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Funny / Square One TV

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For the main portion of the show:

  • One "General Mathpital" segment had Fun With Names resulting from a group of doctors by the names of Dr. No, Yes, Hello, and Goodbye.

For Mathnet:

  • "It ain't necessary, Li So."
  • In part 4 of "The Poconos Paradise", the big chase scene around the house, in varying speeds and set to some comedic music. Thug tips a lamp in front of Benny to trip him, throws a blanket over Pat and throws her aside onto a couch, then plays a little "cut-off" with George before giving him the "untied shoe" fake-out and pushing him aside as well. He ultimately gets shut down by Ms. Privacy when he gets tripped by her.
  • One story was about uncovering a Phony Psychic scam, and one potential victim was a rich elderly lady; the sting operation involved George Frankly Disguised in Drag and somehow doing well enough to nail the perp in the end. The old lady thanks them, and has just one request:
    "You can keep the dress, you look smashing in it!"
  • George's face when the missing dart from "Purloined Policies" is found stuck in the tire of Stanley's (recovered) bike.
    George: ...I'm going home now...
  • KARamazov. Or KaraMAzov. (KaRAMazov?)
  • When George gets a call from Scarlet:
  • One episode opens with Kate describing their latest caper, ending with:
    "And capers are something that you shouldn't order on pizza."
