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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • This exchange:
    Elsa: Dren doesn't eat meat!
    Clive: Oh, is rabbit considered a vegetable?
  • After Fred and Ginger's display;
    Corrupt Corporate Executive 1: Well, I think we can call that a setback.
    Corrupt Corporate Executive 2: That was a fucking disaster.
  • After attempting to drown a (then dying) adolescent Dren, Clive finds that Dren can breathe water and needed it to survive. Elsa seems to think that Clive knew and was trying to save her. Clive's reaction is pure Sure, Let's Go with That.
  • Clive sheepishly pulling on his pants after having been caught having sex with Dren was pure Narm, just because it is so commonly seen in comedies.
