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Funny / Sky High (2005)

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  • When all the first-years are riding the flying school bus for the first time and screaming their heads off:
    Ron Wilson (Bus Driver): Pfft. Freshmen.
  • When Gwen first greets the class, Will is lovestruck and romantic music drowns out her voice in his head. He comes out of it just in time to hear Gwen say that if everyone follows the rules she just listed (and which Will zoned out), then no one will be in danger of falling to their deaths.
  • After the Wild Teen Party, the Commander and Jetstream show up unexpectedly. "When I reach the count of three, I want everyone OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Cue instant scrambling for exits (including some kids flying for safety, and Lash using his stretching for an even speedier exit).
  • The "audition" scene is both a moment in funny and a downer moment, depending on how you look at it.
    • Will having a freaking car dropped on him when Coach Boomer assumes he has super strength like his father.
      Will: (from under the car) ARE YOU INSANE?!
    • When Boomer screams "SIDEKICK" at Will, he shakes the entire school, surprises Lash and Speed (who are dumping a kid in a trash can), shatters a mirror while Gwen and Penny are doing their make-up, and breaks all of the bus's windows. The best part, however, would be Principal Powers' reaction; she just sits at her desk doing paperwork and nonchalantly grabs a potted plant to keep it from falling. It seems this isn't the first time Boomer has done this...
  • After Magenta shape-shifts into a guinea pig, Boomer asks if she can at least transform into a swarm of guinea pigs. Magenta responds with "Uh, no?" so Boomer tells her "Sidekick, shoo!" Magenta gives a "Bite me!" as she scurries off.
  • During Will and Warren's fight, Layla asks Mr. Boy to do something. He says that he will, in a bold and authoritative way, and there's a Gilligan Cut of him running through the hallway and yelling for Principal Powers in the same way that a little kid might.
  • When the students have some Instant Costume Change practice, somehow Zack ends up standing in the middle of the gym in just his underwear.
  • After a blackout, Mr. Medulla arrives to explain it's merely the result of an experiment in the mad science lab and that no one needs to panic. Mr. Boy replies that they never panic while clinging to a ventilation tube hanging from the ceiling, having clearly jumped up there while panicking.
  • During the "Save the Citizen'' challenge, Warren accidentally sets Boomer's shirt on fire and Boomer has to blow it out.
    • Mr. Boy and Medulla reminiscing about the old days of the "Save The Citizen" challenge being a bit more... Literal.
      My. Boy: [After a "citizen" gets shredded by the death trap] Remember when we used real citizens?
      Medulla: [Chuckles nostalgically] Ah, ha ha. Yeah.
  • Boomer talks Medulla into going on a double date by saying, "Did I mention she's not just her twin, but her evil twin?" Both twins fawn over Medulla and ignore Boomer.
  • Royal Pain monologues to Stitches... only struggling to work a joystick to maneuver a surveillance camera. It's alreay quite funny, but with the knowledge that Royal Pain can control technology with her mind, and STILL can't work it? Friggin' Hilarious.
    Royal Pain: (sinister) There's only one thing we're missing... (gets stuck on another thing)
    Stitches: (confused) King Kamehammayhem's surfboard?
    Royal Pain (swiches over to annoyed) Darn this joy stick!
  • Gwen takes a call from Penny and can't understand her because all of the Penny clones are talking at once.
  • As the villains triumphantly reveal their evil plan Boomer and Mr. Boy just stand around and keep eating.
  • Medulla gets zapped by the Pacifier right after walking back into the gym and asking what he missed.
  • Medulla (still super intelligent after turning into a baby) talks about how he can reverse engineer the Pacifier, then says, "Regrettably, I have made boom-boom."
  • Crossed with awesome when Will is thrown out the window by Royal Pain, only to rise back into frame:
    Will: "Surprised? *Beat* So am I."
  • When the school's falling, and Zach is screaming "Hold me! Hold me!".
  • Zach and Ethan taking turns screaming down the vents at Magenta.
  • During Will and Warren's fight, Warren gets launched through a wall into the teacher's lounge. Neither Boomer nor Medulla pay him any mind.
  • Layla sits down at the table with Warren, where he usually sits alone, to discuss something with him. Then, the rest of the gang (minus Will) assume it's safe and sit down with them. The look on Warren's face as he tries to figure out how the situation is slipping rapidly out of his control is one of the funniest expressions during the the movie.
    Layla: Hi Warren.
    Warren: Did I do or say anything last night to make you think this is ok?
    Layla: Hahaha you're so funny, but seriously you're never going to believe what happened. I was just about to ask Will to homecoming when wouldn't you know it? I told him I was going with you instead.
    Magenta: [sits down next to Layla and pulls out a pencil] Hey Layla. You do the history homework?
    Warren: What are you doing?
    Magenta: It's called sitting.
    Warren: Nobody sits here but me.
    Magenta: Mmmhmm. (To Layla) What'd you get for number four? I wasn't sure if Tigerman was a) bitten by a radioactive tiger, or b) bitten by a regular tiger and then exposed to radiation.
    Ethan: [sits down next to Warren looking thrilled] Hey, we're eating at Warren's table now? I feel extremely dangerous.
    Warren: Whoa, whoa -
    Zack: [sits down on Warren's other side] This guy bothering you, Magenta?
    Warren: Try the other way around. Does anyone else need a date for homecoming?
    Ethan raises his hand, looking hopeful.
  • When Steve finds out Will is a Sidekick, his first reaction is to pound the table and vent about Boomer.
    "'Sonic Boom?' More like 'Gym Teacher Man!'"
  • While watching Will get an Xbox from his dad, Stitches starts to complain about how they don't have an Xbox.
  • Nurse Spex trying to explain how getting powers works: "Kids who get exposed to nuclear radiation or fall into vats of toxic waste usually have their powers manifest the next day. (Beat) Or they...die." Could also double as Fridge Horror.
  • The Strongholds after they find out Will doesn't have any powers.
    Jetstream: We can't change who he is... not without dropping him in a vat of toxic waste.
    (Beat while the Commander gets an idea.)
    Jetstream: Steve.
    Commander: I wasn't going to...where would I even find a vat of...
    Jetstream: Steve!
  • The fortune cookie joke, made even funnier by the legions of misaimed fangirls that insist the scene was a straight usage of an "inspirational" quote.
  • Patrick Warburton, owner of quite possibly the manliest voice in human history, insisting that he's a girl.
    • Just the fact that Gwen has revealed herself as the Big Bad, has taken most of the student body hostage, and the Commander's first instinct is to be shocked that his arch-enemy is a girl.
  • Royal Pain and Stitches trying to figure out the baby car seats.
  • Royal Pain in Detention.
    Royal Pain: I went through puberty twice... for this?!
    • Made even better in the outtakes where Stitches responds with "Daddy's going to make it all better." which prompts another throttling from his boss.
    • After holding back for the entire film, Principal Powers says this:
    "I'm not Wonder Woman, you know!
  • The poor Himmermans screaming their heads off when the school is falling and about to land on their new house. When Will manages to catch it and bring it back to the sky, the husband - played by Tom Kenny, faints into his wife's arms.
    Wife: Chester? Chester?!
  • Stitches calling Royal Pain "Daddy's Little Girl" on account of him raising her. Royal Pain's reaction is golden:
    "I told you never to CALL ME THAT!"
  • In the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue, the villains are shown to be in jail; Gwen screams "I'm begging you, SOLITARY!" while Lash picks on Speed by stealing his hat and Penny and her clones just look bored.
  • English for Hero Support: 'Holy _____, ______man!'
  • Will’s reaction after Royal Pain reveals her backstory/true identity to him.
    Will: Oh my God... I made out with an old lady.
