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Funny / Seven Psychopaths

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  • Hans not flinching when Paulo has a gun pointed at him.
    Paulo: Put your hands up!
    Hans: No.
    Paulo: What?
    Hans: I said no.
    Paulo: Why not?
    Hans: I don't want to.
    Paulo: ...But I've got a gun.
    Hans: I don't care.
    Paulo: Th-... that doesn't make any sense!
    Hans: Too bad!
    • The fact that Hans is able to casually walk up to Paulo in plain sight, while the latter has binoculars and a crew next to him and they all completely Failed a Spot Check until he's effectively waiting for them to turn around.
  • After Billy tells Marty and Hans he called Charlie to pick his dog up and to look for a burning car.
    Marty: Well, that's just FUCKING GREAT! Oh, GREAT! Do you know what that is? You know what that is?!
    Hans: Great?
  • Billy's proposed ending to Marty's movie. Hans and Marty are left completely stunned afterwards.
  • The Seinfeldian Conversation between the two Mooks at the beginning of the movie, ended by the Jack o Diamonds walking right up behind them and shooting them both in the head.
  • Hans telling Billy about how the Jack o Diamonds killing the two goons threatening him and Marty.
    "These two punks busted in, then this other punk came in and shot them. (about the stuff covering Marty) It's their blood, his puke."
  • The flashback sequence showing the over the top ways Zachariah and Maggie killed their targets.
    • The fact that the "hippie" Maggie killed right before leaving Zachariah is heavily implied to be the Zodiac Killer.
    • Zachariah in general, really.
    • "Did you think I wasn't serious just because I carry a rabbit?" One wonders if the rabbit was in the script or if Tom Waits just carried a bunny onto the set and they rolled with it.
      • "I'm going to kill you next Tuesday... if that's okay with you."
  • Charlie's reaction when his dog walker says she "loved Bonny like he was my own child!"
    "Okay, first of all, I don't want that image in my head..."
    • Charlie asks the dog walker, if it wasn't her fault and the dog just ran off, why did she run and hide? She tearfully answers that she knows Charlie gets angry and feared that he'd track her down, tie her up and kill her. Charlie — who tracked her down, tied her up and was planning to kill her — pauses for a moment, then shrugs and admits that was a pretty good assumption.
  • The Brick Joke about Charlie's gun jamming.
    • The second time it happens, Billy actually gives him time to fix it, because he asks him to.
      • For added humor, Billy gives him a 5 second countdown to fix his gun before he shoots Bonny. When Charlie starts visibly tearing up as his attempts to fix the gun are unsuccessful, Billy openly sighs and begins the countdown again.
  • Billy's ad in the paper for psychopaths for Marty to interview for material. Also, Marty's Oh, Crap! reaction to it.
  • Billy's somewhat accurate rebuttal of Gandhi's famous, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind," basically saying that there will be one guy with one eye and no one would be able to find him and take the other eye.
    Billy: Gandhi was wrong! Just that no one's got the balls to say it.
  • "My dog doesn't have a gay head, he has a normal head!"
  • Hans yelling "Fuck the cops. Fuck 'em!" in the middle of a restaurant.
  • "Note to self: do not burn the neighbors' flag." Marty looks out the window. The neighbors' flag is half burnt.
  • Hans on seeing Myra when high
    Hans: She was somewhere grey...
    Marty: England?
  • "Is he drinking and driving?!"
  • Billy doesn't exactly sugarcoat his feelings about Kaya.
    Marty: Are you pissed at me for something, babe?
    Kaya: (irritably) Why would I be pissed at you, Marty?
    (Pause as Kaya leaves the house, shutting the door behind her.)
    Billy: Be-cause you're a cunt.
    Marty: Billy!
