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Funny / Roary the Racing Car

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  • When PC Pete calls Maxi a tractor, you must admit, it's pretty damn funny, even when Maxi is told he can't race anymore due to being too fast and therefore unsafe.
    • However, it may be a case of Cerebus Retcon as Maxi had to use a tractor engine in "Maxi's New Engine.
  • In "Tunnel Vision", Maxi breaks down in the dark tunnel, much to his horror. Suddenly, Molecom pops out from the tunnel, sees Maxi which results in both of them screaming at each other.
  • Maxi's tractor engine in Maxi's New Engine. However, It becomes less funny in "Testing Time for Maxi", in which PC Pete insultingly calls Maxi a tractor.
  • In "Roary's Wakeup Call", Mr. Carbuerettor comes to stay at Silver Hatch for a week. But his loud singing means no one can sleep, and the cars can't race due to sleep deprivation.
  • Drifter using his magnet in "Secret Treasures", and attracting Tin Top.
  • In "Cry Cold", the cars pamper Big Chris when he has a cold. He gets a special drink from Roary, fruit from Cici, a DVD player from Drifter..... and oil from Maxi. This is even funnier considering what happened beforehand:
    Maxi: I'll get (Big Chris) a tin of oil.
    Drifter: Big Chris can't drink oil, Maxi. People with colds feel better when they have hot drinks like honey and lemon and ginger".
  • Big Chris slapping Maxi with a spanner in "Roary's Day at the Seaside".
  • The cars imitating a bird call in "Save Our Tree".
  • When Mr Carburettor's suit gets wet in "Mr Carburettor's Birthday Suit", he declares that he'll have to wear his birthday suit. Cue shock from everyone, and Roary innocently asking Big Chris what a birthday suit is.
