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Funny / Red Band Society

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  • Near the end of the pilot, Kara is trying desparately to wake Charlie up in her own unique way:
    Kara: (waving a slice of pizza in front of Charle's face) Wake up already!
    • Pause it and count the pizzas: Nurse Jackson ordered twelve of them for one room, each one with a different set of toppings. That's probably way more than was strictly necessary, especially for a patient who can't actually eat them.
  • In the second episode, Kara says she has a stress test to go to. Narrator!Charlie offers his opinon on this:
    Charlie: With Kara, what they should measure is how much stress she causes other people.
  • Dash has this to say about a fraternity across the road:
    Dash: Looks like somebody roided up One Direction and mated them with zombies.
  • Jordi wrote "This leg" on the cancerous leg and "Not this one" on the other, much to Dr. McAndrews' amusement:
    Dr. McAndrews: Thanks for clearing that up.
  • Kara is confined to her room, so she says she need someone to talk to in order to help her stay off drugs before her drug test. Nurse Jackson suggests that she talk to Charlie. This ensues:
    Kara: Um...veggie boy isn't much of a conversationalist.
    Charlie: I prefer "veggie young adult".
  • Dash is taking bets on Jordi's poker game with his mom. Kenji has this to say about it:
    Kenji: Gambling is illegal, and immoral, and against the rules. *Beat* How much to get in on the action?
