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Funny / Planet Sheen

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    The Pilot 
  • Sheen reassured himself that he’s dreaming. He knows he’ll wake up back on the farm. It transitions to him waking up and Otis and Pig walling by and greeting him. He then realizes he doesn’t live on a farm.
    • The two cameos are funnier when you realize Pip shares his voice with Sheen.
  • Right as Sheen launches the rocket, it explodes. The Emperor is worried that Sheen got caught in the explosion while Dorkus laughs at what seemed to be the lad's impending demise while raising his arms, only to end up catching Sheen to his dismay.
  • Aseefa's yodeling.
  • Dorkus' bogus story about trying in vain to save Sheen's life.
  • The scene transition of Sheen dancing and singing gibberish.
    Is This Cute? 
  • This exchange about Boh-Rok the Destroyer.
    Emperor: He once fed an entire village...
    Sheen: Oh, that sounds nice.
    Sheen: That is...less nice, but at least he cares about his mama!
  • While attempting to pose, Dorkus gets told by Pinter to adjust his arm in hopes of not being mistaken as an Oblar Award. Cue a brief scene of a female Zeenuian being congratulated with one, only to fall down a trapdoor.
  • Right after Sheen ends up in Boh-Rok's nostril, the Emperor shouts at Dorkus to do something to save Sheen. Dorkus complies, only to congratulate at Sheen's doom behind a stall. As Pinter cues him to do the pose, Dorkus does so, only for Boh-Rok to misinterpret the latter as an Oblar Award and puts him in his nostril as well.
  • Upon hearing Boh-Rok's real voice and acting all jolly from no longer having many stuff inside his nostrils, Sheen remarks that he liked the horse's other voice better.
  • When Dorkus tries to tell the Emperor that he saved the day instead, he does that pose again in the process, causing Boh-Rok to recapture him again believing that he almost forgot his Oblar Award.
    The Boy Next Dorkus 
  • Dorkus and Pinter staring in shocked silence at the discovery that Sheen is their new neighbor.
  • Dorkus getting flabbergasted and vexed at each of Sheen's various shouts.
  • Dorkus's guests being disturbed by his desire to go back in time and congratulate his mother for giving birth to him.
  • Right as Sheen leaves from getting the salsa, Dorkus's guests attempts to get up from their seats to go to Sheen's party, only for Dorkus to swiftly shout at them to sit back down.
  • Upon seeing Dorkus's party, the Emperor acts unimpressed with how it's looking. Oom then asks him if they could go to Sheen's party, the Emperor refuses, stating that they're gonna run instead, swiftly greeting farewell to Dorkus. Eventually, all the other guests follow suit as well.
  • Right as the bomb comes breaking inside a window of Dorkus's house, Pinter notices it and tries to pick it up, with Dorkus failingly shouting at him not to, leading to the house destroyed.
  • At the end of the episode, Dorkus seethes at Sheen, only for Tronald to tell him that he's discharged, with a part of the house smashing Dorkus.
    What's Up Chock? 
  • A Running Gag involving Sheen commanding Nesmith to do things that are traits of different animals, which the ape has to correct him every time.
    Joust Friends 
  • Dorkus complains that he never got the Cloaked Avenger action figure with atomic fire breath, childishly mimicking his mother lecturing him that the fire breath is dangerous and could burn down the house.
  • At the end of the episode, Dorkus finally gets the Cloaked Avenger action figure and decides to see if it has the atomic fire breath his mother warned him was dangerous while pointing the figure at his house. No prizes for guessing what happens next.
    There's Something About Scary 
  • Sheen is certain that Oom's shock at seeing Aseefa's warrior face won't cause any trouble, claiming that Oom has the memory of a fish stick and has likely already forgotten. When word spreads of Aseefa's warrior face scaring Oom and wanted posters being spread, Sheen remarks that fish sticks are smarter than he thought. We then see a crude drawing of a giant fish stick in a graduation gown being handed a diploma.
  • Sheen attempting to save Aseefa and Doppy by launching Doppy's parents up to the tower, only for it to backfire and get the couple locked up as well when Oom screams at their pained reactions.
  • When Sheen decides to stick to Plan F, Nesmith asks him what happened to plans D and E. Sheen answers with "F" standing for "foolproof". Despite this, his plan in trying to fling an alien starfish to get up the tower ends with the creature on Nesmith's face, causing Oom to panic and shout for her father.
  • At the end of the episode, Aseefa is encouraged by Sheen to show him her really scary warrior face. Sheen gets so horrified that his clothes fall off and he becomes pale. He instructs Aseefa that they never speak of this again.
    Trial By Jerry 
  • Sheen deduces about Bee Baw's whereabouts being that the bird accidentally tripped on his skateboard, became amnesiac, and went on tour as a vagabond singer. He ends up being proven right once Bee Baw shows up on the trial with the Emperor translating his words as exactly Sheen said.
  • When introducing his court of law idea, Sheen mentions the job of the persecutor to be cold, ruthless, and willing to sell his own mother at a yard sale. Dorkus sweetly complies with the position.
  • Come the end of the trial, the Emperor frees Nesmith and makes Dorkus end up in the Tower instead. Dorkus questions why, with the Emperor stating that he didn't want the whole trial and the associated punishment to be for naught.
  • Just as Bee Baw comes to him, the Emperor eats him, claiming to Sheen and Nesmith that no one gets to eat his Bee Baw but him, leaving the two in shock.
    Keeping Up With The Gronzes 
  • A small gag of Dorkus's failed attempts of making a potion that would make him enormous. One flashback showed him having grown his shoes. By the end of the episode, his latest attempt results in his butt to grow extremely inflated to his ire.
    Act I, Sheen I 
  • The Emperor having all the Zeenuians show up at the palace to announce an award, only to reveal that nobody won it, claiming them to be terrible.
  • Throughout the whole episode, Dorkus repeatedly gets injured in trying to destroy Sheen with the rehearsal, especially since the latter couldn't get the line "I'm coming to save you, princess" in the right time. To wit:
    • The first attempt results in Aseefa repeatedly beating Dorkus up despite her role as the Damsel in Distress.
    • Another attempt has Sheen doing his oak tree pose, much to Dorkus's frustration.
    • The colliding rock trap in which Pinter has Sheen crushed by the stones. Dorkus, in the trap's path, gets repeatedly smushed due to having to correct Sheen on how to say the line. Even after telling Pinter to only release the rope when Sheen says the line, the lad practicing the line still results in Dorkus getting crushed.
    • Even after all that practicing, Sheen still couldn't say the line correctly during opening night.
  • Dorkus's final attempt to crush Sheen during the play involves using a chain of booby traps where Pinter releases the rope after getting a double thumbs up cue from Dorkus, who claims that the cue is something simple that could not be misinterpreted. However, after Sheen gives Dorkus credit for the play and drags him on stage, the latter felt congratulated for his part and promptly gives two thumbs up. Pinter believes that that's his cue, with Dorkus realizing his impending doom right as he gets struck from each trap.
  • Right as the Emperor makes Dorkus do the show every other night, Pinter asks his injured boss if he should let the Emperor know that he couldn't make it. Dorkus believes that nothing worse could possibly happen after his humiliation, only for the spike trap to land on the two.
    The Oomlick Maneuver 
    Now You Sheen It 
  • Doppy putting his arm through his head, leading to him jumbling his brain in the process and repeating this exchange four times.
    Doppy: Oops there goes my short term memory.
    Gotta Go 
  • Sheen's disgust at finding out that Doppy's bathroom consists of mouths in the ground that are all too eager about people "going" in them.
  • The Emperor has apparently made a Toilet Day to honor Sheen introducing the word "toilet" to the Zeenuians when he first arrived to Zeenu and has apparently encouraged use of the word "toilet" as a compliment, which leads to him saying things like "You've got a toilet mouth".
    Washing My Sheen 
  • Due to getting plenty of dirt on him from being stepped on by his fellow Zeenuians, Dorkus ends up getting sucked back and forth into the trunks of two Agronoms.
