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Funny / Numberjacks

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  • Much of "Almost Human". Asides Numberjack Man's antics, there's this bit:
    Agent 106: Can you send someone to-
    (The doorbell rings; she whips her head to the side)
    Agent 106 (surprised): That was quick!
    • Numberjack Man himself. Basically, the Problem Blob blobs a man and Four, causing them to think they're each other. This makes Four look romantically at the man's girlfriend and the man to arrange his arms like a number four, bounce everywhere he goes, and plonk himself in places where fours need to be. Five also imagines Four trying to live life while thinking he's a human and growing up to be a pop star, doctor, or racecar driver.
  • The tongue twister in the episode "A Different Sort": "Problems with the people at the picnic in the park? Don't panic."
  • In one of the audio stories "Potato Plot", there's this exchange when Five and Three are trying to come up with a way to get rid of the problem.
    Five: I'll say "please" to be polite.
    Three: Polite to giant potatoes?!
  • In "Bear Necessities", Three roasts the Puzzler with this line:
    Three: Puzzler, Puzzler, you can't go yet. That teddy bear is still upset.
    Puzzler: Now Three tells me what I should do. Okay teddy bear, here's a shoe.
  • During "Belongings", there's this line, where Three is being Only Sane Woman for once:
    Four: Don't eat at that cafe for a start!
    Three: This is serious, Four.
  • Three being a Numberjack in the box in "Boxing Day". This scares Four and amuses Five and Six.
  • This bit from "Matchmaking" where Four and Six are Comically Missing the Point when Five suggests a way to get rid of the Numbertaker.
    Five: Let's make it the same number of meanies in the park as there are elephants in the park.
    Four: But there aren't any elephants in the park!
    (Six just frowns in confusion)
  • In "More Ways Than One", the Puzzler makes everyone do things in silly ways. These include:
    • A girl lying down to put her coat on.
    • A man dancing down the street instead of walking (only a problem because he keeps going sideways instead of forward).
    • The female gardener (who's been seen in several other episodes) using her shoe and then her glasses to dig in the dirt.
    • A woman drinking juice through a straw with her hands on the table, one foot on the chair, and the other in the air.
    • A boy riding his bicycle backwards.
    • Five also imagines the Puzzler making a man paint a wall with his feet, then by throwing the paint on, then with the Dancing Cow.
  • In "Interesting Times", Seven says there was a man undressing to night. Zero and One's reactions are what sells it.
  • Every time Three and Four roast each other. This one from "Did You Notice Anything?" is just one example of many:
    Three: It's something strange and beautiful. (the thing falls off her "arm")
    Four: (turns around) Well, I can see strange. Not sure about the beautiful.
  • Everything Fourteen does in "Into the Teens". Basically Four gets turned into Fourteen and starts bragging about how he's "cool" now that he's ten years older.
    • Later, when Five and Six comment on how a teenager couldn't handle their work:
    Five: Too busy singing.
  • This exchange from "More 4":
    Four: Look what you've done to the little person!
    Three: He's alright!
    Four: No he's not! Half his head's fallen off for a start!
  • In "4 He's A Jolly Good Fellow", Five tells Four to make a clock noise. Four then starts going "cuckoo".
  • In "Seaside Adventure", the Problem Blob makes humans do the opposite of their jobs: a janitor litters, a waitress steals food, and a jogger jogs backwards in slow-motion. Later, the Numbertaker makes them lose control of their hands, leading to the janitor stuffing trash down his boiler suit.
