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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Season 2 episode "Absolution" has a deadly serious main plot, but it's chock-full of funny moments nonetheless:
    • Marty tries to score some chicks in a park by getting Kensi to pretend she's breaking up with him. It doesn't work.
      Kensi (to Marty): You cheated on me!
      Kensi: With my brother!
    • Later in the episode, Kensi boots a man in the crotch after she doesn't buy his claims of being an NSA agent. Later, Deeks relays this to Sam & Callen.
      Deeks: Just uh, don't let Kensi interrogate them.
      Callen: Why's that?
      Deeks: Cause the guy on the right, she kicked him right in the nom de plumes.
      Sam: No.
      Deeks: Guy didn't even have his weapon out.
      Callen: Really?
      Kensi: I...
      Deeks: Right in the cul de sac. Kicked him so hard it gave me a stomach ache.
      Kensi: So what? It would have been better if I'd pistol whipped him across his face?
      Deeks, Callen, Sam: YES!
    • This dialogue:
      Deeks: L.A.P.D.
      Agent Hyams: N.S.A.
      Kensi: N.C.I.S.
      Deeks: M-O-U-S-E.
    • Deeks repeatedly saying "Gesundheit!" every time someone says something in German. He even invokes the Rule of Three, promising that the third one will be the best...and Callen ends up agreeing with him.
  • In one of their first undercover assignments together, Deeks preps what he's going to say to Kensi.
    Deeks: I'm gonna call you Fern, okay?
    Kensi: Don't you dare call me Fern.
    Deeks: (in the most obnoxious way possible) Fern, baby girl! Whew, it's been a loooong time. (fake fight ensues)
    • Becomes a Heartwarming Moment, as Deeks uses it as one of his many nicknames for her. Become a Heartwarming Tear Jerker, in "The Frozen Lake" after Deeks and Kensi get together, they have trouble adjusting at work and Kensi wants to end it. Just before Deeks goes into a situation where his cover might already be blown, Deeks asks Kensi if they can pretend for just a moment they were just a boy and girl, no NCIS, no danger in their lives, and they had endless possibilities. Kensi holds her hand out and introduces herself as Fern and shocks the hell out of Deeks, making him laugh in disbelief.
  • In "Personal", Deeks has been shot, Kensi's just found out he was targeted and is waiting for him to come out of the anesthesia. He finally does.
    Deeks: Am I dead? Cause I feel like I should be dead.
    Kensi: Hey there. You're not getting rid of me that easily.
    Deeks: Do I know you?
    Kensi: Deeks?
    Deeks: You're not my nurse?
    Kensi: I'm serious, Deeks.
    Deeks: My name is Deeks? Really? (Kensi starts to look around for help) I'm just kidding, I remember you, Fern.
  • Following up the idea from "Personal" that Deeks needed to improve his personal security, Sam stakes out Deeks's place the first day he's supposed to come back. Deeks never shows and Sam's late to work. Since Deeks is missing, Kensi decides to call him. And his phone Sam's bag. Deeks walks in, picks up his phone out of Sam's hand and...
    Deeks: That'd be for me. Marty Deeks.
    Kensi: Hey, it's Kensi!
    Deeks: Hey!
    Kensi: How did your phone get in Sam's bag?
    Deeks: I must have slipped it in there while he was waiting for in line for coffee. Medium triple, low fat, hold the phone.
    • if you watch Kensi carefully through this exchange, she's barely hiding a smirk, suggesting that she knows or at least guesses what Deeks was up to.
    • Later...
    Callen: Who did you pay and how much?
    Deeks: School kid, twenty bucks.
    (Callen fives Deeks behind his back.)
  • Disorder opens with the team finding Hetty has, for the first time, given them Christmas gifts...specifically she's regifted presents from the team from past Christmases. The kicker is how Deeks takes the opportunity to take the presents for himself especially since the team was initially
  • The car ride with Deeks, Kensi and Javier. Especially after they piss her off...
    Deeks: Put your hands on the wheel!
    Javier: That lady's crazy.
    • Deeks' quiet "Dude." in reply smacked of "If she's crazy how do you think pointing it out will help you in this moment?!?!"
  • Discussing personally important items, Hetty brings up a Noodle Incident.
    Hetty: Ah, memories. I still mourn the loss of my most prized possession. Traces of it are still embedded in the asphalt along a quarter mile stretch of the Circuit De Monaco in Monte Carlo. I don't even think it was the most expensive thing I ever owned, but it certainly was the fastest.
  • In "Familia" Hettie walks into a bar somewhere in Prague and kills two men.
    Hetty: Oh, Bugger.
  • Near the end of "Honor".
  • G and Sam's interaction with a surviving drug cartel gangster, who was pretty nice to them in "Greed".
  • In "The Debt," Deeks is in Lieutenant Bates' office, copying files off his laptop, when Bates approaches and he's forced to escape out the window. Then Bates calls him from inside the office.
    Bates: You're in trouble.
    Deeks: (on the window ledge, about eight stories up) I gotta be honest, given the circumstances, I think you're gonna have to be a little more specific.
  • In "Patriot Acts", Nell and Kensi had a Girl's Night Out, the nature of which is not revealed until the end, when Nell tells Eric that they went to a monster truck rally. Hetty's reaction?
    I'm surprised I didn't run into them.
  • Deeks has been butting heads with Hetty for most of the episode because NCIS is requiring all officers to take a training course of their choice. Deeks picks a target identification coursenote . He shoots two "bad guy" posters and doesn't shoot one "noncombatant" poster. Then a poster of Hetty shows up and Deeks drills it in the forehead.
    Deeks: Um, oops.
    (fade to black)
    Hetty: Cheeky bastard.
  • Hetty suggests that Deeks (with Kensi) were attacked by SVR sleeper agents because of the Fanny pack he wore around his waist. Deeks doesn't take that answer very seriously.
  • "Dead Body Politics" has Kensi ask Hetty if she had ever considered running for office:
    Hetty: I was ruler of Nicaragua for 72 hours once.
    [Kensi stares in shock]
    Hetty: Don't ask.
  • In "Out of the Past", Deeks interrogates a poodle. And actually makes friends with it.
  • Sam asks the CIA agents under Snyder if they like working under him. G says that Snyder's mom doesn't like him.
  • Deeks uses the Riverdance to search a pro-Soviet agent's house for a nuclear bomb. It did work, even though Kensi found it odd at first. He later uses it in "Paper Soldiers", and finds an external hard drive with it, even citing his previous success as for reason.
  • Kensi's attempt to learn surfing lingo.
  • The aforementioned cartel guy from "Greed" make an encore appearance in "Drive" when Callen and Sam have to chase him all of two miles per hour, which is as fast as he can run.
  • In "Wanted", Deeks goes undercover in a gay bathhouse, which he is none too comfortable with. Afterwards, he needs to give Kensi a hug—while he's still wet. He even tries to shake himself dry like a dog.
  • "War Cries" and Hetty's conversation with Callen regarding what he's going to wear on a blind date (that Sam forced him into)
    Hetty: Shoes and socks are outside your locker, I leave undergarments up to you. Please use them.
  • In "Tuhon," Deeks takes an injured suspect to the boatshed, and is none too gentle with the dude:
    You've heard of Obamacare? This is "We-Don't-Care."
  • Kensi and Talia fight each other in "Deep Trouble Pt.2" before they gang up on Deeks after he asks about the blood marks on their faces, acting like friends.
  • Beale is accused of being a "communist" when he tells Deeks and Kensi that he never watching wrestling.
  • When Deeks and Eric are ordered under a subpoena to tell them "everything" they know, the two proceed to do just that in "Praesidium". When they were done, the interviewers were glad to just leave them be.
  • Faced with having to escape a building under lockdown in "The 3rd Choir", Hetty decides to do the "jump out of a window into a full dumpster" trick.
    (before jumping) Hetty: Of all the mornings to forget to stretch.
    (after landing) Hetty: Maybe I am too old for this.
    Hetty: Touchy trigger.
    Hetty: Tell him I think he's an ass.
    • Even better, the soldiers who were in the plane with Hetty, who were completely stone-faced through the whole scene, start cracking up when she says that.
  • In "Black Budget", Callen and Sam rescue a Mexican girl during a shootout and take her home—where she and one of her sisters start flirting with Callen upon learning that he's not married. Sam reacts with a chuckle and a Face Palm—until the girls' mother starts flirting with him for having a sexy voice.
  • Deeks' interaction with the fake-SEAL Hunter in "Seal Hunter". As well as everyone joking about the man's Dodgy Toupee. Including Granger.
    • And from the end of that episode, Sam reducing his Doppelgänger to pathetic tears via Curb-Stomp Battle. And filming it. And giving the video to the fake-SEAL Hunter to post online for all to see.
    • Callen's reaction to the breakdown:
    • And Deeks' episode-long struggle with opening a durian fruit, as well as everyone's reaction to the smell when he finally cracks it open.
    • And also from this episode, Eric says that hacking is Just Like Making Love, prompting Hetty to suggest that they need to have a long conversation.
      • Nell's concerned and confused facial expressions as Eric describes his metaphor really make the scene.
    • Everything that our heroes do to the FBI agent and federal prosecutor, from Callen dunking the agent's gun in a fish tank to him and Granger catching them in flagrante and using it as blackmail material.
  • Nell asking Eric, "Hey, No-Pants! You know it's going to be freezing back East, right?"
  • Callen's dry response to realizing a hostage situation with extremist gunmen is a False Flag Operation "Real Jihadists don't hang half the propaganda posters upside down."
  • Callen and Sam ever since they were deployed to Mexico in "Black Wind".
    • Deeks gets cactus spines in his butt. 'Nuff said.
  • After finding out Arkady survived the attempt on his life (and that he blew up his own car), Sam asks if he has explosives rigged to all of his cars. His response, "You don't?"
  • In Fighting Shadows, Hetty has mixed up the usual partnerships, resulting in Callen and Deeks working together. While waiting for a witness to show up, Deeks attempts some small talk which ultimately results in Callen **absolutely trolling** him over his not-so-secret-relationship with Kensi. Turns out everyone has known for quite some time.
  • In "The Dragon and the Fairy," Deeks creates a distraction for Kensi to get a Vietnamese captive away from a compound, by playing a dog walker. As he babbles at the barking German Shepard, Monty the dog wraps around the guard's legs and trips him.
  • Deeks tries to prevent Kensi and Talia from trying to hurt each other over him throughout "Citadel". Such highlights includes having the idea to let Talia bleed out and Talia thinks Kensi's taking the "Jedi Crap" way too seriously. Talia also compliments Kensi on her shooting skills via Deeks.
  • In "Driving Miss Diaz", in some slides of a photoshoot of the protected individual of the week, the last photo is of Hetty, in a Tux, doing the James Bond pose.
  • Deeks proudly announces he's just bought himself a motorcycle. The gang warn him that Hetty has a rule on anyone owning that which he brushes off. At the end of the episode, Hetty is holding out her hand and Deeks actually slaps it like a low-five. Hetty just gives him a look before demanding the keys to his bike so she can sell it. He just laughs...until he realizes she's dead serious.
  • "Blame it on Rio". The whole episode. Not just because Tony is there either. Highlights include:
    • Kensi's "training" with Eric because Deeks is putting on a Bruce Lee jumpsuit. This leads to the West Coast Avengers remark made by Tony when he shows up due to Hetty dressing Nell up to help the latter prepare for a Renaissance fair Eric is taking her to.
    • The whole chat between Eric and Nell about the fair which devolves into a talk about furry conventions and fursonas... Then Granger shows up and the two stumble over the whole thing.
    Eric: "Granger... Director... Assistant..."
    Nell: He's been talking backwards all morning. I'm pretty sure it's a software issue."
    • At the end of the conversation, Granger tells them that "that's all fur now." Eric and Nell then spend a bewildered moment questioning whether they heard him correctly.
    • Rio the suspect. The guy talks too much. And fakes a heart attack 3 times. He also tries to bribe G and Sam to let him go. G tells him that if he breaks the door down, he could hurt him. Sam, however, is willing to breach into the toilet and hurt him real bad.
      • When Sam does break through the door to get Rio, the latter looks at Sam and says "Godzilla!". Sam honestly looks like he's considering whether or not to kill Rio right then and there.
      • While cowering behind the tinted glass of the bathroom, Rio holds up his hand like it's a gun and tries to insist that he's armed. Callen just flips the switch that makes the glass go clear.
    • He claims that he's being attacked by a homeless man aka Deeks.
    • Dinozzo and Deeks work out that the fake name Rio is using is a Knight Rider reference and deduce from there that he's going to seek plastic surgery in order to go underground. Immediately after, Kensi finds a Knight Rider t-shirt in the bags that Rio dropped when they lost him. Later, Sam and Callen find the correct surgeon's office and go through the file they put together for the procedure Rio scheduled. Included as a guideline? A photograph of Knight Rider-era David Hasselhoff.
    • At the very end, when Hetty tells DiNozzo she has a message for him from Gibbs. Sure enough, it's a Dope Slap. Tony's "I should have seen that coming" expression is priceless.
  • In "Matryoshka", basically all of the Ho Yay between Anatoli Kirkin and Deeks, especially considering their encounter three years earlier.
  • Beale tries to act all tough in "Glasnost" while interrogating a prisoner. Deeks doesn't like it at all.
  • Deeks being thrown in jail with a bunch of ornery-looking toughs. When we cut back to him...he's leading a group therapy session.
    • In the same episode, Carl Brown the Butt-Monkey that the team's been gaslighting is placed into a cage by Hetty. He thinks it's to interrogate him. Nah, it's just bait, and when he starts ranting at her, Hetty tells him to shut up already and be a good little monkey in his cage. Carl promptly flips out and takes it too literally before he accidentally slams his face into the door. Hetty is baffled.
  • In "Payback", after Callen learns that his ex-girlfriend Joelle is a CIA officer, Sam goes to talk to Callen:
    Sam: Do you want to talk about it?
    Callen: No.
    Sam: Good. I'd be worried if you did.
    Callen: You introduced me to her.
    Sam: I've been waiting for that.
  • In "767", Callen and Sam are put on a flight to Tokyo. Callen is stuck back in coach between two obnoxious passengers while Sam gets first-class, and can't resist rubbing it in.
  • Callen and Sam run a mission with a pair of Hetty's former Vietnam unit (including Admiral A.J. Chegwidden from JAG), who still act in wild ways like it's the 1980s from threatening to torture suspects to instigating chases and fights.
    Callen: If we ever get like that, you have permission to shoot me.
    Sam: Only if you shoot me first.
    Callen: It's a deal.
    • While talking with Chegwidden on the coms, Eric reveals that he and Chegwidden regularly play Titanfall. Just the fact that former Judge Advocate General of the United States Navy plays Titanfall is hilarious in of itself.
  • In "Party Crashers", Deeks heads over to his mother's apartment to tell her that he and Kensi are engaged. What he finds when he gets there is a guy in his underwear. Assuming he's an intruder, Deeks pulls a gun on the man, only for his mother Roberta to show up in a towel. When Roberta says that the man is her personal trainer Guy, Deeks quickly realizes what they were doing, and is horrified. Since Roberta had learned about the engagement two weeks earlier from Kensi's mother, Roberta enjoys every minute of Deeks' discomfort.
  • In "This is What We Do", Sam adopts a seal named Otis. When Callen meets it, it does a large burp.
    Callen: You should be ashamed of yourself too.
    • Sam tells him to watch the boat.
    • Sam called in sick, because he got drunk since it's his first anniversary since Michelle died. Callen apologizes in advance for his method of sobering Sam up: punch Sam in the gut to get him to throw up.
    • Apparently, Otis joined Sam in drinking. Callen asked why Sam let Otis drink whiskey, and Sam says he didn't. Otis drinks beer.
  • Deek's Squick moment in "Forasteira" when he finds out that his mom (implied) had a nude drawing done by her boyfriend Guy. Deeks grabs it from Kensi and burns it, despite Kensi telling him that it's a work of art.
    Kensi: It's like Rose from Titanic!
  • "Goodbye, Vietnam":
    • While going through Hetty's old case files, Hidoko finds "some serious Santeria crap", including what may be an actual lizard. After closing the box, Hidoko says that she needs to wash her hands. In holy water.
      Nell: It wasn't that bad.
    • As it turns out, Hetty's old unit from Vietnam are in the country searching for her as well. Not only is Admiral Bridges still in Snark-to-Snark Combat with Sam, but with Deeks as well.
    • Rio's back, and everyone is just thrilled.
      • Rio claims that he can kill everyone on the team with just one finger. Sam promptly grabs that finger, driving Rio to his knees and breaking the finger in the process.
    • In an admittedly dark way, Hetty's sadistic captor turning into a sniveling coward when she feeds him to his own tiger.
  • From "Vendetta", three words: "Hetty Davis Eyes". To give context, Arkady got drunk, went to the boat shed at night, and tried to serenade Hetty.
    Callen: Well, Mosley was right. I didn't need to hear that.
    Deeks: Nope.
    Hetty: No.
    • While waiting for Mosley at the boat shed, Arkady takes a shower. Then when Mosley arrives, Arkady walks out wearing nothing but a towel.
    • Then Callen calls ops while Arkady is still in the towel, to Hetty and Kensi's horror and Deeks' discomfort.
  • From "Where Everybody Knows Your Name:"
    • Eric and Nell are woken up by an alarm with Nell freaking out as they had gone to a costume party the night before. That means they're both wearing whacky makeup and fake ears to bed.
    • Eric has an app on his phone that reminds him the world is ending. It's called "Can We Kick It?" Nell is concerned.
    Nell: A reminder the world is ending? Isn't that what Twitter is for?
    • Hetty interrupts a Neric moment, but doesn't even react.
    • FBI agent Zoe Morris is always a delight, mixing in a youthful brashness with arrogance with a nutty humor that drives Callen and Sam up the wall.
    Zoe: Listen, you son of a bastard, I answer to just three people: Me. My Mom. And the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
    • Zoe is a tad too friendly with a medical examiner and insists he "stop stalking me" online.
    • And then there's her frequent use of the word "perf". Callen and Sam can barely believe their ears.
    • It turns out that Zoe has yanked them into a case without any okay from her bosses. "I did lie but I did it with a clear conscience."
    Sam: I think I prefer Arkady.
    • Zoe talks of her first love, a co-worker at a department store...who she had to tie up and hold at bay with a staple gun due to him stealing.
    Deeks: Yeah, that tracks.
  • In "Beacon," Eric blurts out "I love you" while talking to Nell and tries to backtrack. He fails. Spectacularly.
    Nell: So, we know this guy knows how to avoid the cameras, right?
    Eric: Oh, my God, that's it! I love you. (turns away, realizes what he's said, turns back) And by "you," I mean your mind. Your beautiful, gorgeous mind.
    Nell: Thank you.
    Eric: I feel like I just want to take a little piece of it home with me.
    Nell: Home with you?
    Eric: Yeah. Just part of the prefrontal cortex right here.
    Nell: (beat) So, like a lobotomy.
    Eric: No, not like a lobot—Oh, my God, exactly like a lobotomy. I'm a monster! (Looks intently at Nell)
    Nell: You're picturing my brain right now, aren't you?
    Eric (nodding): Maybe I should just...
    Nell: Get back to work?
    Eric: Yeah.
    Nell: Great idea.
    Eric: I'm trying to think of something to say right now that would make this less weird.
    Nell: Mmm, not possible.
  • "Superhuman" has Sam and Nicole interrogate a suspect who surrendered, who's worried about being killed by the ones responsible for a robbery that took place. Nicole tells him that he's be safe in Utah. The suspect mentions that he's bad in geography and he asks her if the food is good in Utah. Nicole tells him to keep quiet since he keeps rambling on knowing about Utah food on TV.
  • "The Prince" has Eric confront Joelle (who's been brought to the Old Spanish Mission HQ) to help. He tries to intimidate her with the clothes scissors, except that it's chained to a wheeled cart. He tries to bring it closer to her, but doesn't notice that he can't move. Joelle (and later Nell) just looks at him with confusion.
    • Nell gets tired of Joelle making demands that she draws her Glock 26. This gets Joelle to shut up and say "Please". She tells Callen that she's very scary.
    • Eric objects to Joelle's presence at the OSP by pointing out that "she'll see The Big Board".
  • The gang know they have to keep the special prosecutor busy for a while. The solution of how he can spend hours and hours occupied is easy: Have him "interrogate" Deeks.
    Sam: Unleash the beast.
    • And before that, the entire OSP trolling said prosecutor by having him carry out his questioning in the gym while over a dozen people are busy exercising. Oh, and the shooting range next door is also still functional. To say nothing about Eric annoying him just by being Eric.
  • Deeks and Kensi's attempts to find a bartender for their new bar runs into one dead end after another. They soon realize there's really only one choice for a person who knows drinks and gets along great with people: Deeks' mother.
  • The aforementioned prosecutor returns in "Heist", and he and Team Callen spend the whole episode trolling each other.
  • "The Sound of Silence" has Deeks remarking that the vertigo he's experiencing from a microwave attack is how his mom probably lived it in the 60s.
  • The "Smokescreen" arc has Deeks, Fatima and Kensi intimidate the terrorist in custody with Black Comedy by violating his fears of No Sense of Personal Space. He immediately cracks.
  • "Til Death Do Us Part" is packed with funny.
    • Deeks is freaking out over not "being worthy" of Kensi.
      Deeks: What if she realizes there's someone better out there?
      Sam: She has known that from Day One.
    • Deeks worries about the box Kensi gave him six years ago.
      Callen: Hope it wasn't a puppy.
    • Deeks finds and opens The Box. It's booby-trapped with jumping snakes in a can.
      Deeks: Yeah, that totally tracks, because my fiance is eight.
    • Anatoli shows up to try and "save" Deeks from the broken heart he's endured.
      Anatoli: Pray you never fall in love with a millenial.
      Callen: How'd you know about this?
      Anatoli: Facebook.
    • Eric attempting to be the "intimidating boss" to a fresh pack of young tech experts. Then getting into a fight with one.
    • Deeks nearly has a full-on panic attack watching Anatoli being kidnapped.
    • Deeks' mom enters the interrogation room first, then tries to sew up Sam, including checking him out, much to Deeks' disgust.
      Callen: (clearly enjoying the spectacle) Oh, this might be my favorite day ever.
    • We finally get to meet Kensi's friends—Kat, Mandy, Mindy, Tiffany, and Tiffany. And Mandy is heavily pregnant and weeping her eyes out.
      • After Kensi's attempt to calm Mandy down gets the expecting mother crying again, Kensi asks Mindy to get her some fresh air. Mindy mouths a sarcastic "Thank you" to Kensi, with a look on her face that says "I'm only doing this because it's your wedding". After the other two women leave, Kensi gives Kat a job: don't let the Tiffanies have sex with anyone. From the look on Kat's face, it's clear Kat feels she got the harder job.
    • The team working to keep Anatoli from being killed by rival mobsters at the wedding, all without either Deeks or Kensi finding out.
      • Nell pushes Anatoli through another room as two gunmen follow them. She then proceeds to grab the fire extinguisher and beat the crap out of them, finishing by covering them in extinguisher foam as they lay unconscious on the floor. She then apologizes.
        Nell: I'm sorry. That seemed rather excessive. But my friends are getting married today, so...
      • Kensi's priceless reaction when Anatoli finds her in her wedding gown. She tries to pass him off as "her florist" to her mother.
      • Anatoli walking around calmly holding a champagne bottle. He pauses by a window to tell Kensi to "never hurt him" before hopping out and falling. A gunman comes up as Kensi lets out a tired "and you are?"
      • Of course, Kensi has to get into a fight with the guys that includes being thrown over a table, in front of her bridesmaids, while in her gorgeous dress. And her pregnant, tearful bridesmaid ends up knocking a guy out with a champagne bottle.
      • The look on Kensi's face as she realizes the dress was ripped in the fight and she made it worse by stepping on the hem as she stumbled into the hallway. Cue Action Dress Rip.
      • Eric is failing in a fight with a gunman as Kensi jogs up, kicks and elbows the guy down, gives Eric a high-five and rushes off.
      • Deeks tries to explain to Anatoli that he was just undercover when they "frolicked" and felt nothing for him.
        Deeks: This is the worst wedding ever.
      • A gunman is about to shoot them all when who should come in ramming a taxi right through the house to knock him back? Henrietta freaking Lange.
        Hetty: I can't leave you damn kids alone for a minute.
    • The close-up of Deeks sliding the ring onto Kensi's hand...with her knuckles still bruised.
    • Anatoli sobbing and grabbing Eric and Nell's hands as Deeks and Kensi exchange their vows. Made funnier by the fact he's actually handcuffed to both of them.
    • Hetty admits she has no idea whose car she used for her rescue.
  • "Born to Run:" Nell and her sister Sydney. All of it.
    • Kensi asks to borrow a woman's horse. She at first refuses but Kensi talks her into it. Then she's annoyed when she fails to stop the bad guy on a horse.
  • When Anna is broken out of prison, the team are looking at suspects. Nell and Eric aren't happy to have to tell who one is: Yep, Arkady.
    Arkady: I want to help. Tell them, you won't even know I'm here!
    Sam: Not possible.
    • Of course, Arkady insists on helping on a case involving Russian blackmailers.
    Arkady: I never went for blackmail. I have no shame.
    Eric: We know. We've seen you in a towel.
  • Callen lampshading the stupidity of a suspect trying to run from him and Sam on an aircraft carrier.
    Callen: Seriously? You're on a ship, where you trying to run to?
  • Kilbride gets the gang into a secret mission which involves keeping an eye on a guy bound and gagged in his underwear in a hotel room.
    Deeks: I hope this is work related.
  • Kilbride refuses to tell them what's going on.
    Kilbride: I was doing this back when you were deciding whether to be a cowboy or a spaceman!
    Deeks: Callen is a great cowboy name.
    Kilbride: I thought so too.
  • Kilbride snaps at Deeks and Kensi to stay in the room and not order movies or room service. After he leaves, Deeks notes he said nothing about the mini-bar.
  • Kensi and Deeks spending a few minutes talking with the guy trying to mumble through his taped mouth that they're in danger with him.
  • The duo have to jump with the guy into the hotel pool then calmly walk through the lobby soaking wet with the guy in his underwear.
  • Callen and Sam suggest backup might be needed.
    Kilbride: One minute without a gun or calling 911 and you're worse than Kim Kardashian losing a water bottle!
    Callen: Did he just compare me to Kim Kardashian?
    Sam: I'm amazed he knows who she is...
  • Kilbride is not impressed by a contact's attempts to threaten him with a gun.
    Kilbride: Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can get away with wearing sunglasses indoors. Everyone else just looks like an ass.
  • The entirety of "A Bloody Brilliant Plan" where the team have to work with a pair of British criminals which includes "translations" for British slang and wild filming style.
    Callen: Speak English.
    Frankie: We are English, we invented it, we can use it however we want!
  • The Running Gag of everyone but Callen trying out terrible British accents.
  • Sam is tired of the constant rhyming used by the pair as "I hate rhyming!"
  • In "Revenge Deferred", a fairly serious episode for the most part given the threat to Sam's family and moles in government, Elmslie had been captured and tortured by one of the antagonists and is held hostage when the agents surround him. He brokers a deal; five year sentence, two years max, and the perp takes it rather than risking death. Elm then turns around and points out that he has no power to broker a deal, flat out bluffing his way out the situation for a criminal that's in for a life sentence, just to spite him.
  • Sam and Callen have to go undercover to check out a club and Sam insists that they dress appropriately. After a brief argument because Callen doesn't feel like changing clothes and think it's unnecessary since they aren't visiting during business hours, it comes out that Sam just wants to break in the new suit that Hetty got him.
    Callen: Hetty, when are you getting me a new suit?
    Hetty: When you return the pants from the last one.
    Callen: Come on, I told you I can't find them!
  • When Sam's old partner is under suspicion of having gone rogue, Sam goes to check on the man's family and see if he's contacted them. He and Callen walk up to the front door just as the man's young son is coming outside to play. The little boy stares up at Sam with huge eyes before calling inside uncertainly, "Mama? There's a super ginormous man here..."
  • In "Angry Karen", Sam and Callen meet up with a human sign spinner (ahem, human directional) dressed up like a lizard. The guy tries to run but Sam stops him. He then tries to flare up like a frilled lizard in an attempt to intimidate Sam. Sam nearly bursts out laughing before taking him down. The guy then tries to run again, Callen steps on his tail, but the tail detaches like how some lizards can detach their tails to escape from predators. The guy really took to his lizard persona seriously.
  • Eric's entire new look after hitting it rich in the tech world with a quirky style and a crazy mustache everyone loves mocking.
  • Nell's attempts to mimic Hetty's lines is hilarious.
  • Newbie agent Roundtree is being given the tour of ops by Fatima who wants him to handle cleanup. When she tells him to go through all floppy discs, the 30-year old Roundtree asks "what's a floppy." Fatima laughs...only to realize Roundtree honestly has no idea. And when she tosses him one, he just stares as if trying to understand how a huge disc fits into a phone.
  • When Roundtree remarks on the annoyance of the Bond One-Liner the team tosses out, Fatima keeps quoting classic action movie lines...and realizes Roundtree hasn't seen a single one of them and just stares at her blankly.
  • In "A Tale of Two Igors", Kilbride guilt trips Eric on driving the Aventador, telling him that it'll just frustrate the average American who has to work very hard to earn a lot of money.
    • When Kilbride is frustrated with the OSP office on who has ties to a Russian, he tells Eric to put his hand down since he's in the private sector now.
    • Deeks' Who's on First? routine explaining Igor and "Igor Two" who he calls "Igor Also" to differentiate from the first Igor.
  • "Subject 17" has a boatload.
    • Deeks asks Siri to tell him the Seven Deadly Sins after he tells Kensi that cannibalism is one. Or that cutting people through traffic or not using any turn signals is another.
    • Joelle has a Running Gag to make NCIS pay for her prosthetic. Sam does the same when she got wet to escape the boatshed raid by the SVR that she need to pay to get the Hellcat detailed and remove the water residue.
    • G and Sam constantly tell Joelle that no... she can't have a gun.
    • When Kilbride threatens Sam with a NCIS post in Djibouti, Deeks quips that Sam shouldn't get that Djibouti call.
    • Zasha was told by G to head to Syria and keep an eye on Hetty. The name on her passport. Sydney Violet Richards. She's pissed at this, but G thinks of it as an in-joke between them.
  • In "Lost Sailor Down", G asks Sam if he's seen the movie Hair. He asks G if it looks like he saw the movie.
  • In "Where Loyalties Lie", Kilbride gets Deeks, Fatima and Kensi talking about jeans and making specific points about jeans. He says that he hates LA.
  • In "Genesis" the person behind the "deep fake" videos of Callen sends a message to Kilbride where "Callen" gushes on his deep-set attraction to the man.
    Callen: That wasn't me.
    Kilbride: Do you think you'd be alive right now if I thought it was?
  • Talia comes back in "Live Free or Die Standing" and continues to flirt with Deeks, even though he's married.
  • Fatima and Roundtree are bantering about Disney movies when Kilbride comes in, the pair quickly becoming all business. After talking on the case, Kilbride has one thing left to say to Roundtree.
    Kilbride: How could you not even mention Moana? That tells me a lot about the kind of person you are.
    Fatima: What? He's right, Moana is fire.
