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Funny / My Superhero Academy: Crisis of Infinite Reboots

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Integrity, Faith, and Crocodile Tears

Cendrillon: “Bonjour. Or hello. Whichever. So sorry to cut in. But I'm here on business, see...”

Ash: “You”

Cendrillon: “Observant. Good sign. Now, let me introduce myself before we get to it. My name is Cendrillon Dufresne–”

Ash: “Like hell it is.”

Cendrillon: “–I am dear Jacqueline's long lost mother–”

Ash: “#$&%ing bulls***.”

Cendrillon: “–and am simply here to help her claim her birthright...”

Ash: “...Wh... what in the everliving #$&% are you talking abou–”

Cendrillon: “And this is how I am to do it.”

Ash: “No!!”

  • The Running Gag about the pineapple being needed to make a teleportation belt and the fact it stumps most of the students.
  • The running gag of Sam's apparent way of getting Zach out of his moods is with a well played Dope Slap.

From the same episode, Martin meeting Ash, from start to when Rebecca steps in.

Waking Up to Ash and Dust

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