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Funny / Mina and The Count

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  • "Interlude with a Vampire":
    • Mina's vice grip hug on the Count's legs, as shown in the page image. Not even him turning into a bat let him escape her grasp!
  • "The Vampire Who Came to Dinner":
    • The Count's reaction to meeting Mina's older sister Lucy.
      Count: It is a pleasure to be invited to dine with Mina, her older sister, and her father. …OLDER SISTER?! (whispering in a slight panic to Mina) I thought you said you didn't have an older sister!
      Mina: (grumpily) I don't.
      Mr. Harper: (gently pulls Mina to him by the hand, also whispering) I thought you said he was old.
      Mina: (innocently) He is!
  • "My Best Friend":
    • A bit of a Freeze-Frame Bonus; after Mina gives her oral report about the Count at school, we see that her teacher has written a Note to Self saying, "MINA: CALL PARENTS NOW!!"
    • The Count's advice to Mina on how to deal with bullies.
      Count: Now, Mina. Physical violence is not the answer. Psychological domination is the name of the game!
      • Mina takes the Count's advice to try to intimidate her bully Nick into leaving her alone. It goes about as well as one would expect a for a 7-year-old attempting to be scary.
        Count: I'm guessing it didn't go so well.
        Mina: (sadly shakes her head)
        Count: Did you use… (menacingly) the Voice?
        Mina: (gives him a small glare) Everybody laughed. All. Day. Long.
  • In "Frankenfrog", the principal is so freaked out by the frog Mina reanimated that he calls in a S.W.A.T. team, who attack Igor on sight as he's trying to drag in a suitcase containing the Count.
    Principal: Oh, thank heavens you're here! A hideous creature is terrorizing the school!
    SWAT Officer: There he is! Attacking that defenseless suitcase!
