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Funny / Makai Senki Disgaea

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  • Vyers AKA Mid-Boss. He tries to be charming, but no one takes him seriously except Flonne. Of course, she also calls him Mr. Mid-Boss.
    • Episode 7 has him meeting Maharl, who is supposedly King Krichevskoy's "second" child. Double funny when it's later revealed Vyers is Krichevskoy reincarnated.
    Maharl: (after Vyers has a Freak Out) Is this man always this strange?
    Laharl: Yeah, don't talk to him. It might be contagious.
  • The Prinnies, Doode.
    • The Prinnies get an entire episode dedicated to them, in episode 8 they attempt a rebellion. But it ends in failure, as one would expect from a plan conceived by a Prinny.
  • From episode 1, Gordon, Jennifer, and Thursday's first appearance involves them crashlanding on top of some demons who'd been trying to kill Laharl.
    Laharl: Keep that voluptuous body away from me!
    Jennifer: Huh?
    Flonne: Laharal, what's the matter?
    Jennifer: Oh, I know. (with a smile) You're going through puberty, aren't you? My body is much more mature than your girlfriends', so it's no wonder.
  • Episode 3, the magic stone which causes a kind of "Freaky Friday" Flip. Switching Flonne and Etna's personalities, as well as their outfits. Upon awakening the next morning, Etna acts kind and caring, while Flonne becomes selfish and cruel.
    Etna: Good morning, everyone.
    Flonne: Yo Highness!
    • The Prinnies overreaction to Etna's sudden acts of kindness.
    Prinny: (crying Tears of Joy) We're so happy Doode. Lady Etna's being nice to us!
  • Episode 12, Seraph Lamington's choice of punishment for Vulcanus. Transformed into a frog. The situation becomes far less funny when it's time for Flonne's punishment.
    Seraph Lamington: This is the punishment I have meted out to Vulcanus. In that form he must learn humility and discipline for the next thousand years.
    Etna: (clapping) That's completely awesome!
