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Funny / Little Nightmares II

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Much like the previous game, the few fleeting moments of comedy Mono and Six experience throughout the Pale City stand out that much more.

As a Moments Subpage, All spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Main Game

  • Mono can call out to Six, and she'll respond. If you do this while the two are currently trying to be stealthy near a giant Humanoid Abomination, he'll whisper "Hey!" while she desperately gestures for you to shut up.
  • Unlike Six in the first game, if Mono falls from an area with nowhere to land, instead of a Sickening "Crunch!", he will comically scream as he plummets, even being cut off by the Fade to Black.
  • The different hats Mono can find can be amusing in how odd they are. A small ball with eyeholes, the decapitated head of a stuffed bear, and medical wrappings are all hidden for you to find and wear.
  • Some of the achievements and their descriptions can be hilariously dark, or shockingly mundane:
    • Bully of Bullies: Attract the Teachers attention in the classroom, and then run into the room with the bookshelf, and use it to crush the Bullies chasing you, who, just before getting crushed, take a surprised step backwards.
    Creative, efficient, brutal. Top of the class!
    My, what a curious song you play!
    Better to be safe than sorry.
    Movie night on the ward - all taken care of!
  • The Hunter's death can be seen as this, not just because he was killed by one of his own shotguns, but also because of how sudden it is. One minute he's bashing down the door and right when he sticks his head in BOOM, instantly blasted offscreen.
  • Veronica's Song, the high-pitched, garbled noise played on the TV when you turn it on to distract the Janitor in the first game, returns both on the Televisions in the fourth chapter, and being sung by the Bullies (with changed lyrics!)
  • The little duck the bullies placed before their booby trap? A hint that you should Duck!
  • In the Halloween trailer, one scene involves Mono and Six running down a hallway of lockers. Six notices incoming danger and crouches accordingly, but Mono isn't so lucky and gets whacked square in the head and ends up being knocked head-over-heels against the wall of boards in a hilariously ragdoll-like fashion by a large swinging light.
  • If you steal a heart the Teacher was about to place into an anatomical model, she will confusedly search for it before moving on to the next part of the lesson plan.
  • Some players have found a rather...questionable body piece during the hospital section.
  • Fans have now created a technique with the flashlight that they use during the hospital section called "helicoptering" where they just have Mono spinning around with the flashlight on to stop some of the patients from moving. Ridiculous? Yes. Effective? Also yes.
  • After you trap The Doctor in a furnace and turn it on, burning him alive, Six responds by warming her hands with the furnace that you just used to kill him.
  • The Thin Man being so tall and lanky that he has to duck just to get past a doorway can be seen as comical.
  • As horrifying as the Viewers are, there is a bit of Nightmare Retardant to be found in one of their designs, a clearly overweight, balding man in a white shirt, glued to the TV like all the others, and upon closer inspection, this specific model has his face scrunched up near where his mouth should be, as if he's chewing on something. So apparently, Little Nightmares has its own version of Homer Simpson.
  • The sheer, suicidal devotion the Viewers have to watching TV is as hilarious as it is creepy. There are instances where Mono can actually make a Viewer toss themselves out a window to reach a TV. Yes, they are that addicted.

