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Funny / Lil' Char and the Gang

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  • Blastoise's "Hi Hungry, I'm Dad" apron.
  • The Hurricane of Puns (terrible ones) on the Christmas crackers.
  • Slightly meta: Picture the Oddish running (in "Oddish in Fall(ish)"). Now imagine their screaming as sounding like this. Try un-hearing that.
  • Episode 188: Moltres asks Articuno and Zapidos why they're here... then clarifies he means on top of a random mountain. No one knows the answer, so he decides to ask "dad."
    Moltres: DAD!!
    Ho-oh: [flatly] I'm not your dad.
    Moltres: Hey dad, do you know why we're here?
    Ho-oh: I wonder that constantly.
