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Funny / LEGO Masters

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US Version

  • In Season 1, Episode 4, Will approaches Aaron and Christian, who have to build a scene that would fit in a romance movie, and asks them a question.
    Will: What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? Christian, go.
    Christian: This first chick that I was super in love with-
    Will: Okay, I'm going to stop you right there.
    • This is followed up with the reveal that he got her flowers. And he's unable to say where he got the idea from. Amie and Krystal heckle him in a Confession Cam for it.
  • In Season 2, Episode 4, the episode starts with Will posing for a photographer. While the ladies are begging for more while Moto and Paras clap in appreciation for his form, in a Confession Cam Randall sarcastically imitates Will, only stopping when Syreeta asks him if he's done.
  • In Season 2, Episode 5, Ken Jeong makes a cameo on a Zoom call (which is really just prerecorded footage), saying that FOX puts him in everything, even their meetings. Will's boss (actually Will Arnett with a mustache) mandates "removing the tables", which Will then clarifies that their challenge is to build a floating design.
  • In Season 2, Episode 6, Caleb and Jacob win the advantage for the demolition derby - that is, starting 30 seconds after everyone else. The gate for their car lifts, they drive straight into the chaos... and straight off the arena, lasting a grand total of 8 seconds in the derby. Cue the Confession Cam.
    Jacob: (turning towards Caleb) Umm...
    Beat as Jacob stares at Caleb.
    Caleb: Yeah. Yes. Uh... apparently, that happened.
  • In Season 3, Episode 5, the teams were tasked to build a replica of a real life dog. One of the dogs was a Dalmatian, which Stephen & Stephen wanted as they were firefighters and Dalmatians are considered mascots to firefighters. During the choosing of the dog using collars on a table, Stephen & Stephen ran towards the table so fast that they crashed into the table, causing everyone else to fall on them along with the collars and the set. Stephen & Stephen got the Dalmatian but Will and the judges kept bringing up the table breaking during the whole season.

Australian Version

  • The Australian show has Stormtroopers march in, with one bonking their head. Everyone is so excited that they forget to move out of the way until the hosts warn them to get to the side.
  • Gabbie and Ryan are assigned half an old-fashioned cash register for the Cut in Half challenge and decide to make a socialite coming out the other side, the socialite in question wearing a very revealing dress. When it comes time to create the cleavage, both of them cannot stop acting like schoolkids and are absolutely losing it in the Build Room and confession cam. Ryan (a high school teacher) also quips that he will not be living this down any time soon.
  • The Smash and Grab challenge in Season 2 involves the teams making whatever they want, but are only able to use whatever bricks they can grab in 5 minutes from a smashed Lego Motorcycle model. Three of the teams opt for builds that wouldn't be out of place elsewhere. Trent and Josh? They decide to create a man in a chicken suit stealing eggs from a henhouse. The resulting creation really has to be seen to be believed.
