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Funny / Layer Cake

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As a moments page, all spoilers are unmarked, as per policy!

  • The Duke gets exasperated at XXXX's explanation that the drug world isn't all that simple and lets out a classic.
    The Duke: Oh you'd give an aspirin a fuckin' headache, pal!
  • As the lads drive to see The Duke, XXXX is in the back seat and the shot is of the front two seats. When it is mentioned that The Duke has acquired a million pounds of ecstasy tablets XXXX's shocked expression slowly comes into frame as he sticks his head between the two front seats.
  • XXXX has a look of utter fear and confusion after Morty nearly beats a man to death in a cafe before running off to lay low, leaving him all alone on a street corner.
  • Gene shows XXXX his gun collection. XXXX's disdain for guns doesn't last long.
    XXXX: I hate guns! Although this one is very pretty... (takes down a Luger).
    • Gene has to tell XXXX to point it away from his face and gets exasperated when XXXX starts posing like James Bond. Which is doubly funny considering Daniel Craig then became the next James Bond, quite possibly on the back of this film.
  • Sticking with Daniel Craig subsequently becoming James Bond, the fact that XXXX hangs out at Stoke Park (famously used for the golf scene in Goldfinger) also counts.
  • Gene and XXXX meet up after Morty has beaten Freddie. Gene offers XXXX a whiskey, who politely refuses.
    Gene: Listen, son. Let me explain something to you. Freddie's in intensive care with a bit of a brain haemorrhage. You were there at the scene. That's called joint venture. Now, if Freddie dies you're either in the dock with Morty or you're in the witness box putting him away. Think about that.
    XXXX: (Points to the whiskey) You know, I will have one of those.
  • Crazy Larry's single line in a cutaway:
    Crazy Larry: Fucking females is for poofs!
  • A very hungover XXXX is woken by a call from Dragan.
    XXXX: Dragan?
    Dragan: Yes?
    XXXX: I've got an idea. Why don't you come round for breakfast? I'll squeeze some orange juice and grind some coffee and we can talk about this like adults. How's that sound?
    Dragan: Sounds very hospitable.
    XXXX: Do you know where I live?
    Dragan: No.
    XXXX: Well fuck off, then. (hangs up and throws the phone on the bed)
  • It's a dark moment but when a terrified XXXX is trying to bullshit a Serb sniper, a gunshot lands inches from him before the voice on the phone growls:
    Dragan: Don't piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining.
  • Another dark moment is when he gets hit by Gene and spins with a pained, shocked look on his face.
  • The Duke's girlfriend Slasher spends most of the film skittish, annoying and shouty. She snaps into silence when she's shouted down by the Duke and later suddenly shot in the head by Eddie Temple's henchman.
  • XXXX is gagged with tape and kidnapped by Eddie Temple's men. When one of them pulls the tape off his mouth XXXX throws him a pained and annoyed 'Fuck!'
  • Dragan hangs up on XXXX without saying goodbye, who tells the now-dead line that it was rude to do so.
