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Funny / Jack-Jack Attack

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  • Kari meets Syndrome:
    Kari: (timidly answers the door) Yes?
    Syndrome: Is this the Parrs' residence?
    Kari: (with manic grin and Twitchy Eye) YES! I'm Kari, the BABY-SITTER!
    Syndrome: (staring at her, decidedly unnerved) ...Well, hello, Kari.
  • Syndrome coming up with an on-the-spot lie that the 'S' on his costume stands for "Sitter".
    Kari: YOU'RE THE REPLACEMENT! THANK HEAVENS, YOU'VE COME! (Jack Jack looks at Syndrome cutely) What's the S stand for?
    Syndrome: For..... Sitter. Yeah, Sitter. Originally, I was gonna have initials for "Baby-Sitter", but then I would've been going around wearing a big BS, and... (laughs) understand why I couldn't go with that...
  • When we cut back to Agent Rick Dicker:
    Agent Dicker: And you believed him...?
  • Kari, merely just... sitting there, having become, if not particularly accustomed to Jack-Jack, at least capable of dealing with whatever power manifests at a moment's notice, e.g. extinguishing him when he turns his flame on, or lazily deflecting his lasers with a hand-mirror.
    • Among the items scattered around her in the trashed apartment is a chainsaw, with no explanation of what it's doing there.
  • Jack-Jack starts teleporting through the walls; one of these aforementioned teleportations nearly ends up with him in the washing machine.
  • Throughout the short, Jack-Jack ends up on the ceiling with milk, steals said aforementioned milk from a closed fridge, and nearly sets the house on fire. He also tries to eat a flashcard and tries to put a square block in a triangle shaped hole. The whole time, he's just laughing away, thinking it's a fun game.
    • In general, Jack-Jack reacting to his newfound powers is great, just randomly combusting and shooting lasers from his eyes. He's just as confused as Kari but still continues to be his cheerful self.
  • Kari attempts to contain Jack-Jack and call his mother by using his playpen as a cage and weighing it down with a swivel chair and books. Jack-Jack manages to chew his way out of the playpen, despite the fact he doesn't have any teeth.
    • Afterwards, we see that in order to get Jack-Jack to stay still, Kari has actually tied him to one of Bob's dumbbells.
  • Kari is showing Jack-Jack flashcards to try to get him to calm down and learn new concepts. It's all going so well... but then she shows him one of fire.
    • With fiery Jack-Jack attached to the fireplace tongs, Kari is about to extinguish him in the toilet, then gets a disgusted look on her face and, probably for several different reasons at once, thinks better of it.
  • Kari's unnecessarily long explanation of the spelling of her name - that she's clearly developed over time and recited many times before - instead of simply reciting K-A-R-I.
