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Funny / Jack Frost (1997)

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Jack Frost

  • Sam, to his secretary, who's looking serious:
    Sam: What? Did somebody die? (secretary holds up a note: "Somebody died.")
  • When Sam and other cops investigate Old Man Harper's dead body, his chair is still rocking. It turns out this isn't leftover momentum from his killing, but one of the cops has his foot on the chair foot. Sam tells him to stop rocking the body.
  • Tommy asking what the difference between a snowman and a snow woman is: Snow balls.
  • The way Jake is killed: Instead of being stabbed with an axe as one would expect, Jack Frost shoves the axe handle down his throat, leaving the blade protruding from his mouth. It's so ridiculous looking.
  • Tommy making a snow-woman with breasts for a snowman contest, then Jill walking up to flirt with him, with Tommy saying that isn't supposed to be her.
  • Jill and her boyfriend sneak off to have sex, but because it's winter out they've got a lot of layers to take off first.
  • Some of Marla and Joe's flirting:
    Marla: Luckily for you, Joe, the power to cloud men's minds is a responsibility I take very seriously.
  • "Who's there?" "Well it ain't fucking FROSTY!"
  • Sam pointing out that his son couldn't have killed and decapitated Billy, because Billy is two feet taller than Ryan.
    Someone offscreen: Not anymore he ain't.

Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

  • Some of the deaths in this movie are a bit cartoonish.
    • One of Jack's targets, Ashlea, gets some icicles dropped on her, but she doesn't even notice given how he doesn't even hit her. He's apparently bad at aiming. Frustrated, the snowman just morphs into an anvil and crashes onto her.
    • Sarah rubbing ice cubes (which turn out to be Jack) over her nipples and Jack getting excited and then pissed off when she stops. Then she accidentally eats that part of Jack, who gets frustrated again spontaneously blows up her head up. Jack may be an idiot, but he's a pretty deadly idiot.
  • Agent Manners is back and he is so dramatic that a stock suspense music track follows him, even when he needs to use the bathroom.
    Sam: If it's so important why can't you tell me about it right here?!
    Manners: I need to pee.
  • The small snowball monsters and their Gremlins-like antics.
    • When the first of Jack's children are born, it addresses Captain Fun as "Dada". Than after a bit it says "kill dada" and stabs him through the eye with an icicle horn.
    • They try to kill one of them by using a waffle iron. We get to see a waffle shaped snowball before it reforms with waffle shaped burn marks. "Toasty."
