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Funny / Into the Breach

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Many of the pilots' quotes can be quite amusing:

  • Archive bomber runs:
    Generic Archive Pilot: Uh... Archive pilot coming in. I'd get clear. Now.
    Archimedes: An Archive jet is beginning its run. Bracing for civilian relations nightmare.
  • Vek falling off a cliff:
    Prospero: Chance of Vek evolving flight before it hits ground: 0%.
  • Vek killing Vek:
    Generic RST Pilot: Why are we losing to these things again?
    Archimedes: Good to see the Vek are making themselves useful.
    Archimedes: Hmm. Perhaps those two Vek didn't care much for each other?
    Kai Miller: Do I even need to be here?
  • Mech at 1 HP:
    Archimedes: My Mech is about to fail in its primary duty to protect me.
    Archimedes: As delightful as all this damage is, my Mech can't take much more.
  • Vek drowning:
    Henry Kwan: The Vek are drowning themselves to keep me from killing them.
    Kai Miller: Vek trying to swim. Comedy gold.
  • Being webbed:
    Henry Kwan: Webbed already? At least buy a man dinner first!
  • Teammate killing Vek:
    A.I. Unit: Retrieving Compliment: 'Jolly good show!'
  • Mech destroyed:
    Gana: That Mech has failed in its duty to protect its pilot. I recommend it be disciplined.
  • When you complete a mission with no damaged buildings, some of the speech bubbles that show up can include talk about how your squad are heroes and nothing is damaged...which can be comically jarring if half the actual map is on fire, with the Flame Behemoths looming demonically over the inferno.
    • Even better if Dewey Alms chips in that "now that there's plenty of space, we can start moving refugees here".
  • Generally, making the Vek hit each other or kill themselves with their own attacks can be somewhat comical. One of the more hilarious examples is getting a (Alpha) Beetle to charge right into a water, A.C.I.D., chasm or lava tile.
  • Occasionally at the start of the second phase of the final battle, the three mechs can land next to a Vek... which is promptly squished by the Renfield bomb.
  • One of the new effects in the 2022 add-on is wind, which will leave buildings intact but will push anything in those tiles, possibly pushing Vek into the water, shoving them into mountains etc. The civilians will react appropriately whenever it blows.
    Civilian: Oh no, my hat!
  • Usually, the map in RST where Hornets spawn out of pits in the ground is neutral, maybe a little frustrating because you can't block the spawn points...except that sometimes a ground Vek such as a Firefly will prepare an attack, and a Hornet will emerge right in front of it, which both wastes the shot and gives you some free damage on the Hornet (possibly even killing it, if you're playing the Steel Judoka or otherwise have access to Vek Hormones).
  • Secret Squad mechs lack traditional pilots, which can lead to some weirdness because many narrative elements of the game haven't been designed to take that into account. For example, several of the CEO's will offer your pilots jobs when they're promoted (levelling up)...even though you don't have pilots to do those jobs. Having one Secret Squad unit in a randomised or selected squad can also cause commentary to get a bit weird; if the Secret Squad unit causes collateral damage, one of your human pilots may well end up blaming the other human pilot for it, even though they had nothing to do with it and may be on the opposite side of the map.
