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Funny / her (2013)

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  • In the beginning of the movie, Theodore's previous AI informs him of naked photos of a pregnant newscaster. After a beat, he says "Save for Later."
  • Most of Theodore's conversations with his office's secretary Paul can qualify as this. Most notably, Paul's "Part-Woman" comment to him.
  • Theodore's chat room misadventure.
  • Theodore's interactions with the Alien Child in his video game.
  • Theodore tries to write a letter after being reminded about the divorce attorney. After he says the first part of the letter, he goes “Why are you so fucking angry at me?” and the computer writes those exact words. After a Beat, he asks the computer to delete the letter.
  • Samantha's drawing of what anal sex would look like if your anus was in your armpit.
  • The scenes of Theodore breakdancing.
  • Meta-example. When the poster was revealed, Arrested Development fans had a field day swapping Joaquin Phoenix with Mae Whitman and changing the name to Her?
