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Funny / Hamtaro

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The Anime

  • During the Beach Episode, Hamtaro doesn't think the ocean looks all that bad until a wave comes crashing his way. His reaction is priceless.
  • TOM's reaction to the show airing on Toonami.
  • Boss' spin on "A Hunting We Will Go" from "Valentine's Day!":
    A hunting we will go
    For presents high and low
    For seeds and leaves and nuts from trees
    And in my mouth they go!
  • In "The Little Bandits!", the ham-hams' dream has Stan, Cappy and Panda playing a horse from front to rear. They discuss it later.
    Stan: I was a horse's head!
    Panda: Better than me!
  • In “Much Ado About School”, Maxwell tries to teach the first class the ham-hams attend at the clubhouse. The other ham-hams are just fooling around during Maxwell’s lecture, while Hamtaro tries to listen, but was unable to comprehend anything being said. It was so bad, Hamtaro looked like his brain overloaded and passed out on his desk.

The Games
