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Funny / Fright Night (1985)

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WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.

  • In the middle of an otherwise scary moment where Jerry is standing over Charley's mother's bed, Jerry turns and strolls out the room while cheerfully whistling "Strangers in the Night."
  • A delightful Large Ham moment from Peter:
    Charley: [pleading with Peter] But you said you believed in vampires!
    Peter: I LIED!
  • When Ed and Amy try convincing Charley not to kill Jerry (before learning the awful truth), Ed comments that "If the vampire killed you, he could suck his way through the entire town!" Looks out window "Not that it would be much of a loss."
  • Billy Cole silently messing with Charley during Charley, Amy, Ed, and Peter's visit to Jerry's house.
  • Ed laughing at Charley calling him "pencil-dick" and holding his crotch.
  • Peter tries to use his crucifix against Jerry.
    Peter: Back, spawn of Satan!
    Jerry: [bursts into laughter] Oh-ho, really? [grabs the crucifix and crushes it] You have to have faith for this to work on me, Mr. Vincent.
  • "Mmmmm-mmmm! His dinner is in the oven!"
  • The Eyebrow Waggle Billy Cole makes after goading Charley into telling the detective what's in the basement. It's the cherry on top of the smug look he has during the scene.
  • Ed in general. Stephen Geoffreys' performance is so hammy and over-the-top that the character is practically a walking Fountain of Memes.
    Ed: [laughing hysterically after Amy smears a burger in Charley's face] Oh, you're so COOL, Brewster! I can't stand it!
    Ed: [as Charley bursts into his room] And to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?
  • Peter's Oh, Crap! face when it's time to go back into Jerry's house, which by now is a mess of ominous fog and lights.
  • Jerry confronting Charley in his room is terrifying, until Charley stabs him in the hand with a pencil, at which point Jerry begins screaming in the hammiest manner possible.
  • Jerry's attempt on Charley's life abruptly ends when Charley's mother begins calling his name. The look on both their faces is priceless.
  • While the scene is overall terrifying, Jerry has this gem of an Immediate Self-Contradiction.
    Jerry: Now we wouldn't want to wake your mother, would we, Charley? Then I'd have to kill her too! RIGHT UP! (throws Charley across the room, knocking him up against a pinball machine which makes a loud crashing sound)
  • When Charlie goes off on a tangent about Dandridge's coffin, the lieutenant's "What are you talking about" line is just hilarious becuase of the over the top delivery.
