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Funny / Evil Under the Sun

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Unmarked spoilers are ahead, per Spoilers Off rule.

The original 1941 novel:

  • Regarding Mrs Gardener and Ms Brewster talking at the same time: "The result sounded rather like a sheepdog whose short stentorian barks interrupted the ceaseless yapping of a Pomeranian."
  • "The eyes of Hercule Poirot dropped somewhat ruefully to a certain protuberance in his middle."

The 1982 film:

  • The Passive-Aggressive Kombat between Daphne Castle (Maggie Smith) and Arlena Marshall (Diana Rigg):
    Daphne: Arlena and I were in the chorus of a show together. Not that I could ever compete. Even in those days, she could always throw her legs up in the air higher than any of us. And wider.
    Arlena: Kenneth, this is such a surprise! When you told me of an island run by a quaint little landlady, I had no idea it was Daphne Castle.
    Kenneth: (embarrassed) Er, yes, quite. Daphne, I wonder if we could go to our rooms. It's been a long journey.
    Daphne: Oh, certainly. (rings the bell, and calls out) Andreas! (no response)
    Arlena: If you're short-staffed, Kenneth can easily carry the bags.
    Daphne: They'll be brought up in a minute! Do have a good, long, peaceful rest, Arlena.
  • Daphne's response to Arlena's late arrival at the evening cocktail gathering:
    Arlena: (making a grand entrance) Oh my, I'm the last to arrive!
    Daphne: Have a sausage, dear. You must be famished, having to wait all that time in your room.
  • Kenneth Marshall mentions that the cannon is fired every day at noon in commemoration of a 10th century victory, apparently the only remarkable feat in their entire history.
  • Poirot puts on his very The Roaring '20s swimming garment (to a triumphant fanfare), and makes an elaborate show of getting ready to go in the water... and chickens out.
  • After Patrick Redfern has been outed, he socks Poirot a good one in the jaw.
  • When Daphne Castle tells Poirot (who is recovering from being punched to the floor) that he has been decorated with an award from the King of Tyrania:
    Daphne: He is so pleased he is awarding you the Order of Saint Gudrun the Inquisitive.
    Poirot: Saint Gudrun the Inquisitive?
    Daphne: First class.
    (Kenneth and Linda laugh while Daphne looks mildly exasperated)
