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Funny / Enola Holmes

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From the books

  • The way Mycroft demands about where to find the (nonexistent) servants he's been sending Eudora money to pay for and realizes he's been had is even funnier in the book than it is in the film adaptation.
  • Sherlock, having caught Enola, tells her that he has a plan, but will need her help. She's completely dead set against it...until she hears that it involves trolling Mycroft, at which point she's all over it.
  • How did Sherlock catch her, after constantly failing to see through her disguises? He brought the family dog!

From the film

  • Mycroft just getting more and more bewildered by the fact that Enola isn't a proper lady, doesn't have a carriage, etc. Sherlock clearly thinks it's funny too—he's clearly trying not to crack up at the station.
  • Mycroft listing all of his expenses, combined with Enola's Breaking the Fourth Wall commentary:
    Mycroft: The bathroom...
    Enola: Which does not exist.
    Mycroft: The water closet...
    Enola: Likewise.
    Mycroft: The housemaids, the kitchen maids, the gardeners...
    Enola: You're getting the point.
    Mycroft: A music teacher, a dance instructor, a governess....
    Enola: (significant look at the camera)
  • Enola's Belligerent Sexual Tension with Tewkesbury often gets to be kind of funny.
    Enola: I've come back because...I missed you more while you were gone, and because your life is in danger.
    Tewkesbury: Really? What made you like me more?
    Enola: That's what you focus on?
    • When he asks why his life might be in danger, she lists his silly smile and ridiculous hair, along with his land, estate, title, and seat. Not only is it funny for the UST undertones, it's also Hypocritical Humor, since she was the one who gave him his last haircut.
    • His new title (granted by Enola): "Viscount Irritation Marquis of Bothersome-shire."
  • Sherlock teasing Enola about Dash, and her encouraging him to forget about it. Doubles as Heartwarming.
  • Enola escaping the picnic hamper moments before Ms. Harrison comes in? Awesome. Her leaving behind a caricature of Mycroft kissing her hand, with little hearts? Hilarious.
    • Even funnier because she either drew the picture beforehand and had it lying around in her bedroom, then decided to bring it with her...or else she took the time to scribble it right before escaping!
  • The owner of the dress shop is at first adamant that Enola won't be using her shop. Then Enola pulls out some money. You can almost see her eyes turning to pound signs.
    • She shows Enola to "good value" accommodation. It's a dingy room with a mouse running around.
  • Enola has completely lost track of which phase her plan is in.
    • It's a bit of a Freeze-Frame Bonus, but one of the slides for the phases of her plan reads "Do I love Tewkesbury?"
  • Enola tells Tewkesbury what Sherlock told her: Sometimes you have to dangle your legs in the water to attract the sharks.
    Tewkesbury: Why would we want to attract the bloody sharks?!!!
    • Followed by Enola admitting that she doesn't really know.
  • After Linthorn decides to murder Enola because she knows too much:
    Linthorn: Well, you've seen my face now.
    Enola: No! Your face is totally unmemorable!
    • Immediately after, when it appears that he has successfully drowned Enola, the camera cuts to under the water, where she gives a cheeky wink at the audience, revealing herself to be faking it so he'll let go.
  • Enola tells Tewkesbury that she's not good at a wide variety of ladylike things, but she can watch, and listen, and observe, and fight. He's stuck on the fact that she can't embroider.
  • The Lampshade Hanging that perhaps one shouldn't read too much into "Enola" being "alone" backwards, since neither "Tforcym" (Mycroft) nor "Kcolrehs" (Sherlock) means anything.
  • Most of the reactions of people when Enola offers them five pounds for their clothes.
  • The flashback scene where Eudoria is playing chess with Enola and lecturing her on strategy, then it cuts to the other side and shows Enola as an infant, looking a bit confused by all of this.
  • Sherlock strides past the Scotland Yard officer on gate duty as he heads to see Lestrade. The officer complains, but Sherlock (without so much as breaking stride or looking around), tells him not to be ridiculous.
  • Enola, upon seeing Tewkesbury in his full duds, tells him, "Congratulations. You finally look like the nincompoop you were born to be."
  • Sherlock is very wary upon being threatened with a teapot. Of course, given that the person threatening him is Edith, he's very right to be worried.
