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Funny / DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp

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  • Scrooge: Launchpad, is this a stunt you learned in flight school?
    Launchpad: Flight school?
    Scrooge: You mean you never took flying lessons?!
    Launchpad: Well, I took a crash course.
    Scrooge: (while facepalming) Now he tells me.
  • And after that:
    Launchpad: Please put your seats back in the upright position.
    Scrooge: Just put the plane in an upright position!
  • To Launchpad's credit, he doesn't crash the plane this time. It's just upside-down. After decimating a chain of ancient pillars. And the landing gear pointlessly extends after the plane's roof is on the sand.
    Launchpad: Landing gear down.
  • The reason Scrooge has dragged the crew all the way is that one of his archaeology digs has found a fancy-looking chest, which may by Collie Baba's treasure. Scrooge breaks open the lock to find... nothing but a pile of ancient robes.
    Scrooge: (Annoyed grunt) Forty years o' searching, and all I get is Collie Baba's dirty laundry!
    Webby: Well, at least the box is pretty.
    (Dig workers murmur in agreement, while Scrooge just looks annoyed)
  • The boys are confused when Scrooge pledges to donate most of the Treasure of Collie Baba to museums.
    Dewey: That doesn't sound like Uncle Scrooge.
    Scrooge: That way, I can get a healthy tax break.
    Huey: THAT does!
  • Scrooge taking out his frustration over losing the treasure on his poor secretary:
    Mrs. Featherby: But you did have it for a little while.
    Scrooge: Does everyone have to remind me?
    Mrs. Featherby: Sorry.
    Scrooge: I cannot work, Mrs. Featherby! I'm going home!
    Mrs. Featherby: But what about your lunch?
    Scrooge: SELL IT!
  • After Webby wishes for a pet baby elephant and the kids hear Mrs. Beakley coming:
    Huey: Uh-oh, it's our nanny!
    Louie: Hurry! Hide the elephant!
    Dewey: Oh, yeah, like where?
  • As evil as he was, Merlock had some funny moments when he was a rat and a cockroach.
  • First Mrs. Beakley sees Webby's baby elephant, then Rat-Merlock, and then finally Webby's brought-to-life toys.
    Mrs. Beakley: This isn't a house, it's a zoo!
  • After Dijon thinks he sees Merlock killed, he takes about half a second to mourn his Bad Boss... before cheerfully getting over it and going back to stealing.
    Dijon: Poor Master... oh, well!
  • This exchange after Genie's cover is blown:
    Scrooge: Blow me bagpipes! He's a genie!
    (Duckworth shoots her a "Seriously?" look)
  • Scrooge promptly goes into Large Ham mode drooling over the possibilities with his wishes:
    Scrooge: The fortunes I could own! I could have the world's biggest diamond. No, no. The world's biggest diamond mine. No, no. ALL the diamond mines! NO! The entire mining industry! YES, YES YEE-HEESSSSS! (suddenly tranquil) I can see where this is going to take some careful thought...
  • "Hey, Pop! Give me five! Get down! Get back! Get real! Get a haircut!"
  • The conversation that only someone who's been living under a rock for a thousand years could ever have with Scrooge McDuck:
    Genie: Quick! You gotta wish us out of here!
    Genie: What's more important — a fortune, or your life?
    Scrooge: Well...
    Genie: HEY! It's not exactly a trick question!
  • Genie starts talking about how he wants a normal life, which leads to him listing off mundane kid items he'd like along with it, with Scrooge looking sorry for the poor guy. As the list becomes longer, and the items become more expensive, Scrooge looks less and less sympathetic.
  • "Now I can do all the things real boys do! Run through fields! Play 'Catch'! Roll over... wait, that's a dog!".
  • At the end of the film, just as Scrooge is about to go for a swim in his vault, he does a physics-defying Wild Take when he spots Dijon mid-jump with a shout of "YOU!".
    Dijon: (with a pantsful of money) Scrooge, sir! Oh, good golly, what a time we are having! Yes, I was just now leaving, goodbye.
    (Cut to Scrooge chasing after Dijon out of the Money Bin)
    Dijon: But it's only some loose change!
    Scrooge: I'll change your face, you thief!
    (An over-stuffed treasure chest falls out of Dijon's pants, which Scrooge trips on as he chases the thief into the sunset)
    (DuckTales theme plays)
