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Funny / DC Super Hero Girls (2015)

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  • Poison Ivy's rose bush monster won't let Barbara go until Ivy orders him to, and she goes:
    "Ralph, I'm not angry, I'm just... disappointed."
    You'll never see a rosebush make a sad face, much less one that funny.
  • The twist to the made for TV special is that Granny Goodness was the one trying to break into the Boom Tubes. Anyone who has seen or heard the twist to Amazons Attack! must've burst out in laughter.
  • Wonder Woman's embarrassing mother. She has multiple trophy rooms to brag about her child. It puts Batgirl's embarrassment about her dad's "My Child is Hero of the Month" bumper sticker to shame.
  • "Seeing Red" has everyone except Starfire act like jerks due to red Kryptomite. One of the scenes has Harley and Ivy team up against her. It's funny in two ways:
    • 1. On a meta level, Harley and Ivy have great chemistry, and seeing them work together is always fun.
    • 2. In the context of just the show, you have characters who are temperamental opposites willingly working together and having fun.
  • From the Legends of Atlantis movie, there's a moment where Beast Boy, in the form of a dolphin, is eaten by a Trench. The Trench then yelps in pain, opens its mouth and spits out Beast Boy, who has transformed into an extremely spiky sea urchin inside its mouth. And as the Trench swims away, sea urchin Beast Boy flips around to reveal an extremely happy face and say: "Hope you got my point! Haaaaa!"
