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Funny / Chuggaaconroy Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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Skip travel back to the main Chuggaaconroy Funny page here. For funny moments of the game itself (which may or may not also be covered on these sub-pages) click here.

Running Gags and Meta

  • The return of everyone's favorite game — "Is that a British thing, or a Xenoblade thing?"
  • Chugga's riffing on the game's atrocious tutorial segments, especially on parts where Guide Dang It! rears its ugly head.
  • Chugga reading the party members' generic quest reactions in a passive-aggressive Deadpan Snarker tone.
  • Chugga's repeated attempts at imitating the various accents of Alrest's inhabitants.
  • When it comes to information not stated in-game: "And where did I learn that? DATAMINE!!"
  • Chugga adding funny commentary for each quest via the on-screen explanations.
  • When talking to NPCs wearing face-concealing helmets (such as Salvagers in Argentum, Urayan soldiers, and now Indoline people with face masks on), their voices are extremely muffled as if they're talking through a pillow. Funnily enough, Ardainian soldiers seem to be exempt from this despite them predominantly wearing face-covering helmets, though that's likely the result of their voices being a Fountain of Memes.note 
  • Chugga having a tendency to go and fight the Mayne Driver standing in front of the wanted board in Torigoth for no apparent reason after they become available.
  • Chugga inserting in a very dramatic voice clip of Mòrag's whenever she says "What!?" in a non-speaking cutscene.
  • Chugga referring to Ichtyology as "Fishology"
  • Nobody knowing who Special Inquisitor Mòrag is.
  • Chugga not being able to go over Floren due to other things getting in the way.
    Chugga: Sorry, Floren...
  • Ever since Zeke joined the party, Chugga has continuously dumped new Core Crystals on him to make up for his problem with Late Character Syndrome. Unfortunately, the fact that most of the Rare Blades in the game were already taken by then plus Zeke's naturally awful Luck means that outside of a few good draws like Zenobia and Vale (and eventually KOS-MOS), most of what he gets are Common Blades, and not even particularly good ones.
    Chugga: (dejected) Nobody wanted to appear...
  • Chugga ignoring important story objectives (such as party members being imprisoned/kidnapped, the party being summoned by the leader of a major country, the imminent sinking of the Titan they're standing on, or the possible destruction of the world) in favour of doing sidequests.
  • There's so many examples from this Let's Play alone, we had to divide them into separate sub-pages to keep this sub-page from getting too large.
    • Just the fact that the descriptions of the funny moments on these sub-pages tend to fall into Deadpan Snarker territory after a while.
  • Chugga Tempting Fate on the feedback for his "We Can Change the Future!" video for ideas on what to talk about during New Game Plus.
  • In Torna, whenever "Community" comes up, he grumbles the word.
  • It becomes a Running Gag in Torna that whenever an episode is Community-based, the title will be "[X] a Community".
  • "Slow moving trainwreck!" for any moment or quote that is most certainly subjected to Foregone Conclusion.
  • You know how there's a tendency for Nintendo to make announcements about the game/game series that Chuggaaconroy is currently playing? Well, the DAY BEFORE he announced his next Let's Play after this one, there was a Nintendo Direct... which ended with the announcement of Xenoblade Chronicles 3!
  • In his tweet revealing that he will be co-commentating with Enel for Enel's run of Torna at SGDQ 2022, he takes one last opportunity to complain about community.

Reveal Video

  • Reveal Video:
    • The reveal video has him reenact scenes from the game with various toys and objects. Including Rex as Rex, a Riki figure with a "HELLO MY NAME IS" tag that has "Tora" written on it, his cat Kirby wearing a wig as Nia, the Cloud Sea as his sink filled with marshmallows... and a candle with boobs as Pyra. What's more is that after the premiere went live, people drew fanart of Candle!Pyra.
    • The announcement led to this Twitter exchange:
      ProtonJon: I fall asleep for an hour, and people are sending me screencaps of bras with candles in your house. I know what this means LP wise, but also... what?
      Chugga: Blame MasaeAnela for the pinnacle of character design.
      Jon: I'm not shocked by this at all, but it's WAY funnier to imagine you asking her for one of her bras and a candle and not explaining why.
      Chugga: Oh my God... Well, at the risk of breaking your immersion, I made it with sticky balls imported from Japan.
      Jon: Goodnight, everybody!
    • There's also Masae's reaction to the idea of Chugga asking for one of her bras without explaining:
      Masae: If he did that he wouldn't have been alive to post the video. Thankfully he knows better.
    • The announcement ends with a cast list, including "A Candle" as Pyra.
    • The cast list also includes "Rex Rex" and "Dromarch Dromarch".
