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Funny / Blue Mountain State

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  • Thad's continuous attempts to dissuade his Bosnian half-sister Alma (who speaks very little English) from going out with Alex.
  • After stealing (then using, then passing around, then losing) Thad's pocket pussy (which has sentimental value to him, since it's a memento of his father, who died in a civil war in Bosnia), Alex gets taped to a chair by Thad, who has one end of a string tied to a doorknob and the other end tied to Alex's balls. Cue Craig (who stole the pocket pussy from Thad's locker after Alex put it back) and Denise coming in just in time to save Alex from the "Tijuana Tooth Pull", Denise giving Alex a minor Breaking Speech, then shutting the door.
  • Sammy accidentally killing Billy, the school's mascot, by throwing him off a stairwell so he could run to freedom...only to have the leash get snagged on the railing.
    • This isn't the only goat that dies. After Thad accidentally lets loose Overland's mascot, a badger, it eats the second Billy. By the time Alex and Thad respond to Sam's call, they find both Sam and Mary Jo covered in goat blood along with...well...what's left of the goat.
  • Thad getting beaten up- by a girl with no arms.
    • Sammy tossing the same girl a beer. And then noticing that she has no arms. He later makes her makeshift arms made from beer cans taped together.
    • The entire football team trying to play football, with no teams and while high as kites.
      • And then Thad has an acid freakout and sees the girl with no arms as a zombie chasing him across the football field.
      • Which leads to the revelation that Thad Screams Like a Little Girl and that he has a most excellent Girly Run.
  • Thad getting lost in a hall of mirrors. That the entire lacrosse team managed to build inside his dorm the previous night, while he was asleep.
    • And Larry subsequently getting lost in the same hall of mirrors, while trying to find Thad.
    • In fact, all the pranks the football and lacrosse teams pull on each other count as funny. The only way to stop the vicious prank war? A virgin must have sex with the entire lacrosse team. Who just happens to be Sammy's new girlfriend. Tough break, Sammy.
  • Every single one of Sammy's Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere moments in "Midterms". To elaborate, Sammy cuts his penis while manscaping himself, which means he cannot get any erections or he will tear open the stitches. Guess what happens to him four times in the episode?
    Doctor: Question. Are you at least having sex with these girls?
    Sammy: No.
  • Thad declaring that the goat house has an invisible barrier to stop the Buckingham Titans getting in. Which the Titans accept and skulk around outside instead.
    • When invited in one of Titans asks Thad to remove the forcefield first, which he does.
  • Thad and Coach Marty almost getting gay married. To elaborate, Thad realizes he was the mole as he unknowingly revealed all the crimes committed by the Goats to an NCAA agent disguised as a college student. Hendricks suggests Marty marry Thad instead of Debra if it means saving the football program's reputation. Thankfully, Alex comes to the rescue at the last minute.
    • Also the fact that in over a dozen conversations, it never occurred to Thad that the "college student" was quite obviously a man in his 40s.
  • This exchange from "Born Again"
    Alex: (regarding Mary Jo) Back in high school, she dated the captain of the hockey team. He was all-state, full ride to Michigan. You know where he is now?
    Radon: Uhh no, this is the first time I've ever heard of the dude.
  • An NCAA agent tells Coach Marty the program has been under investigation and puts down a small folder. Marty scoffs at how weak the NCAA's case is.
    Agent: Oh, no, that's the University of Miami's file. Here's yours.
    (slaps down a folder roughly the size of a New York City phone book as Marty's face falls into an Oh, Crap! expression.}
  • In "The Badger", Thad calls a team meeting at the Goat House:
    Alex: Is this something I can tailgate?
    Thad: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! (cut to Thad walking into the living room where Alex is grilling food with Sammy) I said no tailgating!
    Alex: I thought you said "yes".
    • To boost morale for their upcoming game with Overland, Thad kidnaps the Overland badger and plans to castrate and feast on its balls.
    Alex: (to the team) Let's tailgate!
    Thad: NO! I made a promise to this team. Nobody wins until that badger's balls are in my mouth!
    • Later, when the team prepares to capture the loose badger, Thad gets spooked by Billy the Goat and accidentally shoot it with a tranquilizer dart.
    Alex: The hunt? Are you crazy?! That thing just attacked two people!
    Thad: If inspiring my team is crazy, then lock me up and throw away the key!
    • When the team is outside locating the missing badger, Thad hears a noise, shushes the team and promptly shoots at the source of the noise — a couple walking around on campus — and the poor guy takes a tranquilizer dart right in the neck and collapses. Thad's response while he and his team take off running and the poor target's girlfriend is left screaming?
    • Thad cries over a bonfire, lamenting about his team abandoning him for being a "shitty captain". As Alex tries to cheer him up, Thad complains about not having the chance to eat a badger's balls.
  • In "Nerds", Radon and Gary finally convince Sam that he's not the jock he thinks he is.
    Sammy: What is this? Aren't you nerds going to get revenge on me or something?
    Gary: You're one of us Sammy. And nerds don't hurt other nerds.
    Sammy: Stop saying that. I'm not a nerd!
    Radon: Yes, you are! Look at you! You're small as shit!
    Sammy: So was Doug Flutie!
    Gary: You have no athletic ability.
    Sammy: I'd argue that.
    Gary: You do your own homework, you rarely get laid, you're not conscious about your personal hygiene.
    Radon: Yeah, man, look at the way you dress! You ain't got no style! And the BMS captains sold you out!
    Sammy: Oh, my God! I'm a nerd!
    Radon: Hey, Nerdville isn't all that bad.
  • Thad's "documentary" of Coach Marty Daniels' life has to be seen to be believed. At one point, Alex asks Marty if any of it is even the slightest bit true. To which Marty, in response to seeing his "origin" of being born in Italy and his mother being a butter churner, replies with, "I was born in New Jersey and my mother was a secretary."
  • Thad to Radon: "Hey, you think now that we're bros, that makes me half black"?. The look on Radon's face in reaction to Thad's absurd question is priceless.
  • Thad assuring Alex that there's nothing to be scared of. Then they both let out a high-pitched scream from being startled by a falling couch on fire landing right next to them.
