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Funny / Blacklight Retribution

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  • This thread on 6/7/2012 server maintenance.
  • Operation Mohawk: An attempt by the BLR communities to break the newly patched spawn system to make Rick Lesley, Zombie Studio's level designer follow up on his promise to cut his hair into a Mohawk if any spawn-killing was captured in a video.
  • The Anti-Materiel Rifle is known for it's One-Hit Kill capability, long scope-in time, ammo capacity of one round and utter uselessness when not aiming down it's sights. Now, ladies and gentlemen: No-Scope AMR DeathMatch.
  • Any nonsensical weapon builds. This game is ripe with them.
    • Introducing SASHENKA, the max-recoil Light Machine Gun build that scores more headshots than most Assault Rifle builds for some reason.
  • Every single time player corpses are clipped into the walls or floors of a map, getting stuck in place before ragdolling around at hilariously disturbing speeds, while often stretched beyond belief.
    • In the same vein, player corpses corkscrewing 720° in the air after being hit by explosives, or by getting shot in the head by a particularly powerful gun like the AMR.
    • Dying but then witnessing your corpse somehow glitch and free-fall out of bounds is good for a laugh too.
  • When calling down a Hardsuit at a spot you've chosen, there is a brief delay before it arrives. During this time, a teammate might end up getting accidentally crushed when it does.
