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Funny / Bionic Commando

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...Well, that's rude.

  • "This base will explod in 60 seconds."
  • Hurling a mook so far he bounces off the skybox.
  • Several of Spencer's quips in the sequel.
    • I'll send you the bill later!
    • That looked like it hurt!
    • NERD!
    • "GO LONG, SON!"
  • "Get the heck out of here, you nerd!"
    • In an OST track for Rearmed, this was voiced as part of a fake trailer for the game. This line is screeched in a faux-Nazi German accent. It sounds as funny as you'd think it would.
  • When beginning the fight with the Mohole boss: "Is that a long life bar or are you just happy to see me?"
    • If you die against it, the intro dialogue gets changed, with Super Joe telling you, instead of "you'll just have to fight it", "You'll just have to fuck it!"
      Spencer: ...Uh...
  • In Rearmed, the hacked calls between the enemy commander and his private are quite humorous.
  • Rearmed gives all human entities Ragdoll Physics, leading to amusing moments where enemies slowly slide off the stage when killed.
  • One of the enemy pilots in Rearmed is holding a lollipop while operating a war machine.
  • The stated reason that the platoon captain bosses are immune to bullets from the front is because of the sheer amount of medals they're wearing on their chests. This does not protect them from being kicked with the Iron Boots.
  • The "Hype Mode" glitch. Rearmed 2, if you cancel out a Death from above attack on an elevator, Spencer starts yelling. a lot. here is a video of the glitch in action.
