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Funny / Barats and Bereta

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  • "Hypnosis":
    • The entire premise. "This is the story of three roommates, two of whom have hypnotized each other."
    • When Luke (Barats), who had been having fun with the hypnotized Joe (Bereta), randomly sings a line from "Scatman," Joe explains:
      Joe: Dude, "we" is one of Luke's trigger words!
      Max: What?
    • Joe explains how someone could (theoretically) wake them up from their trances:
      Joe: Some day, someone might accidentally say the phrase that triggers one of us back to consciousness, and when that happens, he'll snap out of it and be like, "Where am I? What happened to the last year of my life?" But I picked a phrase that no one would ever say as Luke's trigger back to consciousness. And I'm guessing he picked something pretty obscure for me too, judging...
      Luke: Guilty!
      Joe: how long we...
      Luke: Wee-bop-bop-bada-boop!
      Joe: ...have both been under.
    • Luke and Joe accidentally trigger each other.
      Joe: Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme!
      Luke: I'm the mother-flippin' rhyme-noceros...
      Max: Did you guys just trigger each other?
      Luke: ...And I'm horny!
      Joe: Gettin' horny now, you and me, baby...
      Max: Good Lord...
      Luke: Baby, baby, baby, OHHHHHHH...
      Joe: Oh-we-oh...
      Luke: (cutting Joe off) Wee-bop-bop-bada-boop!
    • The phrase that wakes them up? The phrase that no one would ever say in a million years? "That Bieber song wasn't half bad."
