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Funny / Awaken

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  • Jung-woo shoots at a robber. It looks like he's missed, there's a Beat while everyone tries to figure out what just happened, and then a traffic sign falls and lands on the robber's head.
    • Afterwards Jung-woo's boss yells at him for this.
    Byeong-cheol: If the hostage got hurt, I would've died due to shock and you'd be paying $300 to show your condolences.
  • The team wonder what the FBI agent will be like, and Hye-won says "he" had better be able to run fast and bow at least 90 degrees to Jung-woo. Then Jamie arrives and reveals that she is the agent — and she heard everything they said. Then she makes a point of bowing to Jung-woo, to Hye-won's annoyance and Jung-woo's confusion.
