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Funny / Animal Farm

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The Book

  • In a Black Comedy sort of way, the way in which the pigs utterly bullshit their way through their reign is darkly absurd. Of special note is how Snowball goes from leading the animals bravely in the Battle of the Cowshed to having his role revised as less and less heroic throughout the story until apparently Snowball was openly leading the humans into battle while shouting, "Long live Humanity!"
  • Minimus's absurd poem praising Napoleon: "Friend of the fatherless, fountain of happiness, lord of the swill-bucket!"
  • Napoleon's reaction when he learns Frederick has cheated him:
    Napoleon called the animals together immediately and in a terrible voice pronounced the death sentence on Frederick. When captured, he said, Frederick should be boiled alive.
  • Napoleon's hangover. After a rowdy night in the farmhouse, all the pigs seem to sleep in and it is eventually announced that Napoleon is dying and his last decree is to make alcohol consumption punishable by death. Next morning Squealer says that Napoleon will be making a full recovery, and the day after that, Napoleon begins reading up on brewing.

The films

  • The Cat Scare at the start of the animated film. The animals (and the narrator) fear Jones has awoken during their meeting, but it is just the farm cat. Old Major smiles forgivingly at first, but starts to show some annoyance as the cat takes its sweet time finding a place to sit.
  • When the anthem "Beasts of England" is sung in the animated film, instead of actual lyrics, it's a gloriously Narm-y cacophony of animal noises.
    • There's one shot of Squealer and Napoleon singing along, except that they're actually saying the word "Oink" instead of actually oinking like a pig would.
  • Old Major's death is a complete moment of Narm in both film versions.
    • In the animated film, while singing Beasts of England at the end of his speech, he hits a particularly high note in his song and promptly drops dead of a heart attack.
    • In the live-action film, Old Major is hit by a stray bullet fired by Jones, and he backs out of a window, does a double somersault off the barn roof, and crashes dead into a haystack.
  • The antics of the duckling from the 1954 film.
  • The animals' reactions to the revolution in the 1954 movie. When the pigeons tell a cat about it, he starts laughing hard at it as if he's saying "You're funny, man!" The bird also has a rather irritated expression before flying away.
    • This may have been a reference to another funny scenario with a cat and birds in the book: the farm cat declares to songbirds that, since all animals are equal, the birds may safely perch on her outstretched paw. The birds simply keep their distance.
  • The montage of Snowball trying to educate the animals.
    • First he tries to teach the alphabet, and as in the book Boxer can't get past the letter D, with Snowball starting out patient but looking increasingly aggravated with each letter, suggesting this isn't the first time they've gone through this. Benjamin is napping during this, so Snowball gives him a tap and he comes wide awake and calls out "E!" Snowball points to the next letter but doesn't hear anything, so he turns around with an annoyed expression to see Benjamin is back asleep.
    • He tries to teach a group of pigs math using apples, only for the pigs to eat the apples.
    • He draws a complex diagram for a group of cows, who just shake their heads. Their collective moo needs no translation.
    • The sequence ends with him successfully teaching a sheep to read "four legs good, two legs bad." The sheep turns to look at him for approval and Snowball's deadpan expression indicates he's just relieved something finally went right.
  • For how genuinely horrific the scene is, the animated version of the purge does incorporate a bit of Black Comedy Burst in the form of the amendment to the relevant commandment being written on the wall in the blood of the animals who had just been executed. It's as though the pigs are aware of the irony of the commandment as written and used the blood as a warning to those who would challenge the purge on the grounds of that specific commandment.
  • In the 1954 film, Squealer is fake-sobbing over Boxer as part of his ruse that Boxer wasn't sold to the glue factory. He then snaps out of it for a split second to see if anyone is buying it, then goes right back to sobbing like nothing happened.
  • How the eggs laid by the chickens splattered all over the pigs in the animated film.
  • Anytime Squealer hides in fear.
  • The disguised goat bumping into the disguised cow during the second attack on the farm.
  • There's one scene in the 1954 film where the animals are working on the windmill when a pig blows a whistle for them to stop for the day. Several of the animals are in the middle of adding more stone when the whistle blows, but rather than doing so and then stopping, they obey the order as literally as possible and drop whatever they're carrying, one of them removing the block of stone they almost had in place.
  • The screen randomly zooming in on Napoleon in the 1999 movie as he cries "Snowball!"
    • In the book, when Napoleon cries out Snowball's name it's typed in bold face. They may have been trying to recreate the same jarring effect.
  • Snowball's pitiful attempts at milking the cows in the 1999 film.
    Snowball: Whoops...oh, lord. All right, I just need practice!
  • Napoleon takes a piss on Snowball's blueprints for the windmill. Made even funnier in the live action film by Snowball's reaction: "You pig..."
  • In the animated film, Napoleon after disposing of Snowball and deeming all his plans nonsense, declares himself leader and attempts to win the animals over with his own plans for Animal Farm, and literally just picks up Snowball's discarded blueprints and shows them off the same way. Squealer and the sheep immediately start cheering him. It's made even funnier by the narrator's deadpan delivery of the following line:
    "And so the windmill was started... after all."
  • Napoleon's Oh, Crap! expression at the end of the 1954 film when he sees all of the animals united and preparing to overthrow him the same way they overthrew Jones. He tries calling for the dogs, only for it to be revealed that they're too drunk to do anything.
  • About halfway into the live action 1999 film, Napoleon and Squealer, having taken a liking to alcohol, get totally shitfaced in the farmhouse, wearing hats and giggling like idiots until they pass out. Somehow, Squealer later manages to make his way to the barn to edit the Commandments once again, slurring the "Comrade Napoleon" anthem as he ham-handedly puts paint to wall...and then abruptly falls off the ladder. The next morning sees Squealer lying next to an overturned paint can, with his edits splattered on the wall as only a drunken pig can. He reacts to being rudely awakened by a crowing rooster with an extremely weak "Shuuut uuup..." Then, Pincher, extremely worried, comes to inform Squealer that Napoleon (who's suffering from the MOTHER of all hangovers) thinks he's dying, to which the porker faintly replies "So am I!"
    • Similar in the 1954 film, after the animals win the second human battle, Squealer drunkenly declares victory after drinking from a liquor bottle that was thrown his way earlier in the battle.
    • And during the villain song, the words are still splattered on.
  • In the live action version, we get a full propaganda song led by "a grateful duck." It's supposed to be a horrifying piece of brainwashing, but the operatic warbling voice coming from the duck just pumps so much Narm into it that you can't help but laugh. And then there's the fact that said "grateful duck" has backup dancers.
    • Somehow the Grateful Duck's song is even funnier in the OST version. Feels like the opera duck is going all out than she already was. And the chorus says "Shout, shout, shout out loud! Snout, snout pink and proud!", adding to the hilarity.
  • Whenever Napoleon says "Dear boy."
  • In the 1999 film, Squealer's voice crack at the beginning of the "Glorious Leader Napoleon" song. This is fixed in the soundtrack version, though.
