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Funny / An ordinary life

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  • Jiyu developped a technique called Slingshot that allows him to enhance the strength of his pushes. His control of it is… not always good. "Accident" and "Sent into orbit" shouldn't belong in the same sentence. It still does, and Kishun isn't about to let him live it down.
  • Super Smash battles are serious business at the Foyer. Kishun and Eiko notably quote the characters they're playing while fighting, Eiko taunting Kishun with a "Requiescat in pace" to which Kishun retorts "You're gonna have a bad time, Eiko".
    • Kishun and Eiko have gone back to playing their game. In the middle of an otherwise serious conversation, the four adults are interrupted by Kishun screaming "GET DUNKED ON!!!" as she beats Eiko. Izuku summarily chides the girls for being noisy.
  • Ochako briefly wonders how desperate she must be that Izuku's students are giving her love advices on how to woo their teacher. The answer? Bah, she wasn't about to complain. About that matter, Aizawa and All Might betting on how long it will take the two to hook up.
  • Normally, Erasure is the perfect counter against someone looking for you with Super-Senses. Except Erasure has tells, and if said someone doesn't need Super-Senses to notice them, you're safer not using it, as Aizawa discovers the hard way.
    • The same way, a bright red, white and gold outfit, even if tailor-made to fit your Quirk, isn't exactly fit for stealth. The only reason Kishun didn't grab Mirio was because of Permeation.
  • When telling Nezu about Izuku's students, Aizawa tales a perverse pleasure in doing so in a way that makes Nezu mentally prepare new pants and a stiff drink. He also tells the principal to bring popcorn if the Front goes sniffing around Nishimeya.
  • As Izuku goes into a "mumble-storm" during his first lesson with Eri, Aizawa dryly asks Hayate if any of his students can understand him. Hayate tells him, matter-o-factly, that he and Kishun can.
  • The mere fact that Akira is flipping off the sniper clone before grabbing it with his power is worth a chuckle. Then he complains about their frailty, explaining that such fall should have "just" sent them into a full-body cast.
  • Eiko doesn't care she is at a wedding. As soon as Sami grows the apple tree, she leaves to change and trudge among the branches, eventually trying to pull a playful drop-kill on Izuku… who hears her coming a mile away and catches her before she got on his back.
  • What is Izuku's opening move against a feral Dark Shadow targetting Akari? Not a fancy punch of a wind blast, a headbutt.
  • The Strays aren't the only kids Izuku taught. One of them Kisei Hakiita, has Compelling Voice as an inherent property of his voice, which forced him to learn sign language. Upon joining U.A, he taught the skills to his classmates… Cue Class 1-A & B cheating at exams right under the teachers' nose using sign. Izuku is in stitches upon hearing of the incident, much to Aizawa's displeasure.
  • Jiyu asks Sami to grow a tree bearing every kind of edible fruit. On a dare. Izuku's reaction is that of thorough exhasperation followed by a stern scolding.
    • Immediately after, he stars getting in a mumble-storm that makes Hitoshi cringe since he can't understand it. Kishun can, and she happens to be on hand. Cue the girl translating her teacher's entire mumble, to the Pro's disbelief.
  • In an otherwise tear-jerking flashback of Eiko's time in the streets, we are treated to the girl running away from the Front. She ends up using Slidin' Go's head as a springboard to reach a fire escape, flipping off Toga at the same time.
  • In the same chapter, Akira threatening a chunk of ice into obeying him, complete with a fist. The ice complies.
  • Soon after the Defiance started, Jiyu manages to get Real Steel with a Tree Buchet move, sending him crashing through several branches. Aside from the Tree Buchet itself, the funny part is the Non Sequitur, *Thud* the Pro gives upon being found by Neito.
    Real Steel: N-Neat Guyyeah… *thud*
  • During the Strays' Defiance, Akari fires a Solar Beam at Fat Gum with the intent of having him absorb it and then use Fat Counter to unleash the kinetic Energy - and thus burn away his Kevlard. The blast ends up taking the whole front of the Pro's outfit… except for the underwear. Fat Gum is silently glad he didn't end up flashing the girl.
  • Eiko has some pretty funny one-liners upon downing her targets.
  • There is something hilariously ironic about the Front and Re-Destro believing Izuku's students can be turned to their side because they are teenagers and easily manipulated when all of them want them dead - and some have called dibs on their members.
  • General consensus on Dabi's mission, according to the comments: "Dabi is done for."
    • Likewise, the general consensus on Bakugo paying an angry visit to Izuku is:
    The Strays: "So, you have chosen Death."
  • When Eiko was in elementary school, people called her Quirkless because Absolute Balance was so subtle. She proved them wrong by breakdancing on a chair's backrest.
  • Hayate and Jiyu Squeeing over the new Smash Bros game.
    • The fact that the Smash Bros series that has grown so big to include Mass Effect and Dragon Age characters.
  • When Dabi sees the news about Chargebolt quitting his agency, which features Izuku, he considers aborting his mission... but decides to write his will.
    • Then the very first people he meets in Nishimeya are Izuku and Akira. Dabi lampshades his bad luck.
  • Shoto decides to skip the JP Hero Billboard Chart to watch Disney movies. Somebody got their priorities straight...
    • Endeavor is furious that his son missed his first Billboard Chart. Not only does Shoto not give a darn, he actually watches the event just to see his father angry. Worth It.
  • While Izuku is busy mopping the floor with Endeavor and declaring war on the Commission, Shigaraki and the Front's leadership are busy munching on snacks.
    • And when he's done, Shigaraki is laughing like a maniac, Dabi is having a group dance with some of Twice's clones, Mr. Compress is showering everyone with champagne and Toga is completely lovestruck. They decide to send Izuku a "Thank You" gift.
      • And they go through with it! Next chapter sees Dabi handing Izuku a gift basket with Destro's (dedicated) autobiography, a Limited Edition All Might toy Izuku somehow doesn't have and an expensive bottle of champagne. Izuku is naturally embarassed.
  • When Mei gives Changeling a device so she can better use her Quirk, she reveals that Present Mic has a crush on Aizawa. Bakugo crows about the chance to blackmail his former teachers.
  • Before he and Changeling return home, Bakugo decides to give Izuku an open kiss. Cue Ochako trying to send the Number Five Hero floating into space for daring to kiss her fiancé (with the Strays playing Yakety Sax), while Bakugo claims it was Worth It.
  • When Izuku calls Shigaraki to find why the hell there are Nomu attacking Hokkaido, Shigaraki jumps away from his phone scared. Re-Destro has to pick it up so he can explain what's happening.
