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Funny / Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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     Main game 
  • No game has perfect AI, and the Grunt's can be exploited to hilarious results, such as getting it to break down an open door, hiding behind a table in a corner, and piling up a bunch of stuff, then attracting its attention. That last one can occasionally cause it to smash it all, which then freezes it in search mode.
  • Once Daniel enters the Cistern, a flashback occurs.
    Daniel: You are conserving water from the spring?
    Alexander: Yes, it enables me to control the water in the drain sewers to some extent. Also, it can be used for all sorts of purposes.
    Daniel: Like for drinking?
    Alexander: Well, that too.
  • Though a very serious scene, NO ONE expected Daniel to say something as silly as, "Please, I didn't do anything. mah mah mah," while he was cutting a man to death in a ritual killing. Black Comedy at its finest until the horror hits you.
    • In a same way when there is a flashback in Study; Alexander saws a dog and he then just exclaims calmly "Ugh… what a mess. I should have sharpened the saw."
  • In game, the monster sounds are creepy but when listened seperately they are quite amusing. Grunt, for example, lets out a sound that is more like a burp than a growl.

     Custom stories 
