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Fridge / Witches Abroad

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • The Tiffany Aching books establish that a witch cannot work her magic purely for her own benefit without succumbing to bad karma and/or cackling. This rule gives Lilith's power-mongering more sense: she's doing it for others and not herself, the others just don't get an opinion in the matter. That can be defined as self-righteousness, which is still using magic as she sees fit, which is still for herself.
  • The question of how Granny survived putting her hand in a torch during her duel was finally answered when she showed Tiffany how to perform the heat-transfer spell in Wintersmith.
  • During the parody of The Wizard of Oz, Lilith tries to kill Nanny Ogg by dropping a house on her. Nanny survives, despite the fact that dropping a house on a witch is supposed to kill them, at least according to Lilith. This is actually another case of Lilith being Wrong Genre Savvy; the house is supposed to kill the wicked witch... and Nanny Ogg is a good witch. Lilith, of course, doesn't realize that she herself is the actual bad witch.
  • How does Lilith get trapped in the mirrors despite her apparent mastery of mirror magic? She spends so much time looking at other people through mirrors that she neglects self-reflection. When she gets stuck inside the same mirrors she's relied on, she has no idea where she is and will always think it's beyond the next mirror, instead of looking right at herself instead.
  • Death, as the "mysterious stranger", obviously knew what the Tsortian hero's one vulnerable body part was. When one of said hero's enemies finally got lucky and struck that one spot, who do you think collected him?
  • At the end of the story, Granny states that "good and bad isn't necessarily where you stand, but where you face." Heroism is a twofold job of fighting for good and fighting against evil; if you aren't clear on what is good, then pick something you are sure is evil and stand against it. That is how Granny fits her moral compass, in contrast to Lilith who ended up getting lost by losing sight of what evil is.

Fridge Horror

  • Granny Weatherwax describes her sister Lily as having been "wanton" in an evil way as opposed to the way Nanny Ogg was and is enthusiastically sexually active. The main way we see Lily be evil in the book is by enforcing tropes on other people; one wonders how many other unwilling princesses her ideas have happened to.
