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Fridge / The Wonderful 101

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Wonder Red's Shut Up, Hannibal! line to Vorkken: "The truly strong are those who help the weak stand." Which is exactly how the Wonderful Ones operate; by rescuing endangered citizens and giving them Wonder Masks, granting them the strength to fight back against their attackers.
    • The names of their powers, Unite and Unify, are themselves a demonstration of their differing philosophies. The act of Uniting is done by many individually weak individuals to stand up to something stronger, all on equal footing. The act of Unifying is a strong force bringing less powerful individuals under its control to strengthen themself.
  • Red's speech to Vorkken after their last fight can also apply to everyone. On one level, he's describing what Vorkken does and how he behaves. But GEATHJERK behaves similarly, seemingly taking every possible opportunity to be as cruel and sadistic as possible during what was ostensibly supposed to be a mission to prevent Earth and its allies from forming the Greater Galactic Coalition/Imperium and wreaking havoc across the universe in the future. And then, of course, the Greater Galactic Coalition themselves, who saw fit to transition from a force for justice and peace to a destructive, tyrannical empire.
  • You draw a sickle to form Wonder-Yellow's weapon, a massive hammer. Considering Yellow's country of origin…
  • Both Chewgi and Vorkken's Unify Morphs require a pause in the middle to draw. They are the only two morphs to do this, emphasizing the difference between the Guyzoch's Unify Morphs and the Wonderful 100's Unite Morphs.
  • White uses often "ninja" to refer to the members of the team. You initially can think this is a joke of his Captain Ethnic characterization, but it gains a new meaning once you understand that ninja can also means "those who endure".
  • The game acts very much as a Spiritual Successor to Viewtiful Joe, but since they aren't able to use the Viewtiful Joe name anymore, they went with something new. So instead of incrementing the series number to make Viewtiful Joe 3, they incremented the signature letter, going from V to W.
  • The penultimate form of Jergingha is called Wonder-Jergingha, while his Planet Destruction Form very much resembles Wonder Red's Unlimited Form. Which suits him, considering how, when his backstory is considered, one can surely call him and his forces a dark mirror of the CENTINELS.
  • GEATHJERK's plan was set up so that they could win either way. Either they successfully wipe out humanity, or they expose the horrors they went through to the current people and set them on the path to avoid that future.

Fridge Horror

  • During his gloating, Jergingha exposes his true motives to the Wonderful Ones. Had he not decided to do that, the Universe would be doomed anyway, as the Earth grew advanced military technology to combat the GEATHJERK, so if they were unaware of the future, the tyrannical Greater Galactic Coalition would be formed even faster!
