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Fridge / The Last Sovereign

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  • A lot of people remark upon the way in which this game deconstructs a lot of old JRPG tropes, starting with the opener where the reckless kid dies, but it's impressive how much it chips away at h-games in general too. The eroge subgenre, whether it's pro, fan, or indie, Western or Eastern, has a long history of serious consent issues in their stories, in much the same way that filmmakers of the '70s and '80s used to rely heavily on rape as a flimsy justification to feature nudity in their movies. The Last Sovereign takes that head-on by making its protagonist an older, experienced man who has very strong ideas about propriety, morality, consent, and justice, and who is changed almost not at all by the acquisition of his powers. The subtitle of the game might as well be "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
