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Fridge / The Force Unleashed

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Fridge Brilliance:

  • Starkiller's signature lightsaber grip is shared by just one other major character in the official canon: Ahsoka Tano. Both trained under Anakin Skywalker. Coincidence? Perhaps not. It is quite possible that after seeing how destructively Ahsoka used the style Vader trained Starkiller in it.
    • Except for Revan...and a lot of other people...
      • Technically what Ahsoka and Starkiller are using is called Reverse Shien due to the reverse grip on the lightsaber.
      • Also technically, the fact that it was used doesn't disprove it. It just means it's standard Lightsaber training.
  • Aditionally, why is Vader so sure he could beat Obi-Wan on the Death Star? Aside from the Dark Side, he already has, when PROXY takes that form
  • The romance sub-plot. Early on, Galen goes from dark and brooding while kneeling in front of Vader to awkwardly trying to suss out who Juno is when she's suddenly chosen as the new pilot. Later on, he goes from supreme badass to wide-eyed and awkward when she kisses him out of the blue, and General Kota makes a big deal of how his feelings for her helped turn him good, despite the kind of person she must've been to have risen in the ranks of the empire enough to get Vader's attention. Except...consider how he grew up and it's not so unbelievable, since normal, healthy interaction with other people isn't exactly part of Sith training (especially with Vader being his only role model and 'father figure'), and the first time he has a genuine emotional attachment to someone he's clearly doing so with gusto.
    • It also parallels Anakin's life. No wonder Vader would stay away from discussing such things.
    • To be fair, it's shared romance. And to bring in even more parallels to Anakin, Juno's love is the only light in his life outside of being trained by a Force user (with Anakin being strictly raised on the Jedi code, and Galen having the teachings of the Sith beaten into him). Not to mention SHE kisses HIM first, and they also make for a pretty damn cute couple.
  • Vader accidentally helping create the Rebellion may tie into the overall theory that he is still the overall architect of ultimately destroying the Sith, even against his own desires.
    • Or, potentially, he wanted to create the Rebellion. The Dark Side in him wanted something to fight, to bully into submission, some enemy to kill, rather than just weaklings. Plus, their existence would potentially give him a shot at Palpatine. The small remaining spark of Anakin in him wanted to kill the Empire, to defeat the man who had caused him so much misery and anguish through his life. Vader allowed the Rebellion because he wanted it to exist. This could also explain why he made so many seemingly odd calls throughout the Galactic Civil War.
  • Galen's journey as a Jedi-assassin may also be a parallel to Anakin's tale as he eventually turns away from the dark side, despite his evil deeds, and does what's right for the sake of protecting those he loves, even though it costs him his life.
  • Why does Vader seem so inherently willing to stop his attack and take in Galen? Because it's the first time he sees the son of a Jedi, and takes him as a surrogate for the child he lost.
  • Vader asking Galen to help him kill and overthrow the Emperor adds a new wrinkle of ambiguity to Vader's very similar demand of Luke at the end of "Empire Strikes Back."
  • It makes sense that Vader is completely taken by surprise by Proxy as he chose the form of the man who had crippled Vader for life - his old mentor, Obi-Wan.
  • Another thing about the differences between Anakin and Galen's upbringing. Anakin was pampered by the Jedi Order, told that he was The Chosen One from an early age, and given special treatment compared to other prospective Jedi his age because of it, leading him to become spoiled and arrogant later on. Galen, on the other hand, was constantly belittled, manipulated, and betrayed by Vader, who constantly told him he would never amount to anything more than a tool despite his power. Abusive as this was, it also kept Galen humble and pushed him toward those who could give him an escape from Vader's cruelty (Juno, Kota, and the Rebellion), facilitating his eventual turn from the Dark Side to the Light. Ironically, Vader's Training from Hell made Galen a better Jedi than Anakin Skywalker ever was.
  • Adding to this, Anakin spent his first 9 years of life as a slave. Being berated as less than worthless, beaten for little to no reason at their whim, working them to the bone, not caring if they died as a result, and ultimately treating a slave as nothing more than a tool to be used is pretty much stock slave master tactics, the sorts of things Watto would probably have done to Anakin and his mother regularly. Like a lot of children in Real Life, Anakin eventually grew up to do the same sort of abusive things to his own "child" that someone who abused him and the people around him did during his formative years.
  • In the second game, Vader uses Starkiller's love for Juno against him by using her as leverage to join the Darkside. That's right, he's using the very idea that turned himself over to Palpatine against Starkiller.
  • Vader's whole Juno plot, specifically after he "kills" her is pretty complicated. He threatens to kill her and makes Starkiller pledge his loyalty to him, similar to Sidious and Padme. But then, by hurling her off the platform, he sends Starkiller into a massive, unstoppable rage. He then gives him advice to calm down that sounds like Yoda's lines from III about Padme. So it appears that he's using two different methods to turn him to the Dark Side, then uses reverse psychology (and then throws the fight to destroy the Rebel Alliance from within, but that's beside the point. Good work Vader.
  • Why does Starkiller's lightsaber have an exposed crystal chamber (something seemingly impractical, as the crystal could get dislodged in the middle of a fight and screw Starkiller over)? Being a video game character, he wants to be able to change his crystal on the fly, since he finds many other crystals in the overworld.
  • The best way to defeat Vader in the last level is by cutting loose and being as aggressive as possible. It reminds one very much of Luke's final battle with Vader in Return of the Jedi.
    • And the best way to get through the fight with the Emperor is to reflect back his attacks and fight defensively. A more light side way of fighting.
  • Rahm Kota's character is heavily based on Samurai (He has a typical Japanese ponytail and his lightsaber's hilt is exactly like a Samurai sword hilt). With that in mind, a lot of things about his character gain further depth, such as The fact he's a warrior whose masters and clan were wiped out, and now finds himself in search of purpose as a rogue. Also the Blind Seer archetype, which is common in Kung-Fu movies.
  • The fact that the player can use Starkiller's aggressive version of the Jedi Mind trick over and over on entire platoons and troops will keep falling for it, despite the fact that they're witnessing their fellows kill each other and themselves time and time again, yet somehow the trick keeps fooling them. It's because they're weak minded right? The REASON they are weak minded is that they are rank and file soldiers used to being told what to do and then doing it without question, no matter how absurd, suicidal, and morally wrong it is. Notice that the more elite troops don't fall for it, and that's because they're used to giving orders more than taking them.
  • Vader has witnessed Sidious Force Lightning at least three Jedi. The first, Mace Windu, kickstarted his That Man Is Dead arc. The canonical Light Side ending concludes with Vader watching Starkiller, his allegedly evil twisted apprentice sacrifice himself to save a Jedi and his allies, starting the rebellion showing him What Could Have Been. Finally the third time? His own son struggling with his own possible Start of Darkness only to throw it back at Palpatine and resist. Watching his own son about to be summarily executed much like he saw with Kota only a few years earlier and Mace Windu so long ago. Needless to say He makes it count. Poetry indeed...

Fridge Logic

  • Copying swordfighting skills is one thing, but how come Proxy can use Force powers while impersonating a Jedi? On that note, if there is a robot that can copy a Jedi's abilities and powers exactly, then why hasn't anyone build an army of them yet?
    • The novels say that Proxy can use tractor and repulsor beams to simulate telekinesis. It's not as good as the Force.
    • Also, remember that Proxy is a personal droid of Starkiller's designed to be a protocol droid, message droid with extremely high resolution, and combat training droid designed to be able to match Force Users blow for blow while being made of lightsaber resistant materials. Droids like Proxy are probably ludicrously expensive to make and thus too impractical to make large numbers of, even if one cuts corners.
  • In the light side ending of the second game, Kota’s rebels manage to capture Darth Vader after Starkiller decides not to kill him. In the dark side ending, when Starkiller tries to kill Vader, he is backstabbed out of nowhere by another clone, who then kills Kota and his men. If Vader created the second clone in both endings, why did it only show up when Starkiller tried to kill Vader? And how didn’t Kota see him?
  • Proxy's heroic sacrifice in the first game is treated dramatically, but why can't Starkiller just rebuild him?
    • Because they were in a hurry to rescue the senators and Kota. There was no time. In the sequel, we see that Juno did eventually go back to recover Proxy's remains and rebuild him.
  • In Ultimate Sith Edition, Jabba has nothing to gain and everything to lose by trying to kill the Empire's new Dragon - especially after the latter politely offered the former a big-ass payday in exchange for info about R2 and 3PO.
  • In the second game, why did Starkiller's lightning-powered Force Lightning didn't mortally harm Darth Vader after being struck for over a minute, while Palpatine's managed to kill him after being struck for mere seconds? Most likely because Starkiller's Lightning is nothing compared to Palpatine's, who's trained to perfection by his master, Darth Plagueis, especially as Starkiller's own master COULD NOT do Force Lightning himself.

Fridge Horror

  • During the final battle in the second game, some of Vader's taunts are truly terrifying once you realize they could be applied to him as well: "The woman is meaningless! She is holding you back." and "Rise above this. She means nothing!" really show just how little is left in Vader from once loving husband.
  • In the good ending, you never kill the Evil Knockoff Dark Apprentice. I think it's safe to say "Oh, CRAP."
  • Despite Vader being captured at the end of The Force Unleashed II, he tells Galen that he will always have control over him because Juno's life will always be a possible use of manipulation for Vader. Vader is using Palpatine's own fears of losing someone he loves as a way to control him, and a question lingering over Starkiller's entire relationship with Juno - at what point does attachment, even a mutual one, become a debilitating crutch?
  • Using the Salvation to attack the clone facility is admittedly awesome, but just how many Rebels who'd managed to survive the initial attack died during the impact?
    • You have to read the background information a bit but the unit assigned to to guard the cloning facility? It's the 212th Attack Battalion, lead by Commander Cody and Obi-Wan's old unit. They are utterly wiped out when the Salvation hits and if you read some of the databank info, the 212th was miserable on Kamino. Really the attack just seems like the end cap on an very crappy tour. It's also a bit heartbreaking that an character, while not quite beloved, was still very much someone people who'd watched the Clone Wars had grown to like and he's just killed by having a ship dropped on him? This is a man who'd survived the Clone Wars, the turmoil of the Rise of the Empire and he dies offscreen. He was a minor character in the grand scheme of things but still....
      • The Databank entry on the Imperial Stormtroopers is just Cody ranting about how horrible and clumsy the recruits are and how he’d trade an entire platoon for a singe Jango Fett clone. The fact he’s been assigned to protect his homeworld comes across as the least of his problems. It’s also worth mentioning that there’s nothing to definitively say he died when the Salvation crashed, and with the Imperial code of uniformity, he’d look just like any other stormtrooper. It’s completely possible that the player character kills Cody directly.
  • Ultimate Sith Edition: Jabba's Villain Ball, of trying to kill Starkiller despite his known Imperial power and his generous business offer. While nothing happens to Jabba onscreen, it's safe to say that the Empire probably rains hell on him later for screwing with their new Dragon like that.
