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Fridge / The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: The Empire of the Plant People

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  • Fridge Horror: The pollution that can cause the Transflormation... Wait, were these people once human or descended from people who were once human?
  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • As mentioned on the YMMV page, it's possible that the Cluefinders' actions may have actually caused a lot of businesses to be shut down - including a utility in the form of the Power Plant. Inferred Holocaust? Possibly... unless that is, Santiago's friends don't get the businesses shut down and instead works with them to reduce the pollution they cause. There's a very good chance that they were legitimately unaware and were only polluting by Cutting Corners.
    • Under Artistic License – Law, it's mentioned that the process to stop the pollution will take months. Perhaps that's to stop it from accumulating later on - enough to overwhelm the bacteria.
