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Fridge / Tales from the Loop

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The Series

Fridge Brilliance

  • Why did Gaddis call adult Loretta after young Loretta appeared at the gate looking for Alma? He was one of Loretta's classmates in school when Alma disappeared. In the first shot that pans across the classroom while the kids are taking the math test, there is a very Gaddis-looking boy sitting three desks away from Loretta. The closing credits confirm that this character is "Young Gaddis."
  • In "Loop," there are multiple subtle details that foreshadow The Reveal that Loretta is a time-traveller from 1955: Loretta's coat, shoes, and backpack are not up-to-date for The '80s (though not glaringly anachronistic); her school test paper is mimeographed instead of being photocopied (though mimeo machines were still in use in many schools in The '80s); the song Loretta plays on the phonograph is from the mid-'50s; when Loretta is walking downtown, the film showing at the town theatre was released in the U.S. in 1955, and the cars parked along the downtown street are mid-'50s models (though they are just barely in the frame and this is easy to miss); when Loretta and Cole are walking on the tree-lined path, there is a derelict robot in the background that wasn't there when Loretta was walking in the same place alone on the "previous" day.
