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Fridge / Supernatural S 02 E 20 What Is And What Should Never Be

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Fridge Brilliance:

  • Dean could have made the wish unintentionally, not believing it would actually come true. He was fed up with all the trouble in their lives caused by their hunting, and, as he was dying, wished he wasn't in that position, which all started with Mary's death.
  • When Dean wakes up, he realizes that the girlfriend he imagined was modeled after someone in Maxim. This seems to suggest that what occurred in Dean's dream may just be what he thinks would happen, and may not be accurate.
  • Dean is obviously not happy about John's death, but prefers that it was someone mundane, though he may also be relieved that it was something that wasn't "his fault."
  • Or did he want to make a wish? Not the usual devil to make a deal with, but Dean's done it before and will do it again.

Fridge Logic:

  • Despite the newspaper indicating the date in the Wishverse is December 5, 2006, Wishverse!Sam is reading a text dated March 9, 2007, before Dean calls him.
  • Dean mows a very green lawn with a blade-less mower in front of blossoming flowers in December in Kansas, but it takes the news broadcast on flight 424 for him to realize something is wrong with this reality.
    • He knew it wasn't the normal world the whole time. The news broadcast made him realize that it wasn't an ideal world either.
  • While this house looks like the house seen in "Home" (S01, Ep09), except for the reversal of the street number, it is clearly a different house then the one shown in the Pilot. In the Pilot we see young Dean carrying infant Sam across a large recessed porch with columns and 2 cement steps next to a bay window. Given the destructive fire, it made sense that the house was different in "Home", but there was no fire in this reality.
    • The Wishverse takes place in Dean’s mind, using his memories and subconcious wishes to create it. Dean was so young when his house burned down that he might not remember how it looked before. When he visited his house again in “Home”, it was the first time he had been back their since the fire and thats how he remembers it.
  • When Dean is watching television at night after the birthday dinner, the Bloomberg News Channel displays the time as 10:01 AM ET.
  • The Bloomberg channel also shows that Texas Industries had fourth-quarter profits from continuing operations of $1.13 a share. While Thomson analysts had estimated profit of $0.92. As the end of the financial year is December 31, 2006, fourth-quarter reports should not be available until January.
