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Fridge / Super HxEros

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Fridge Page for the manga Super HxEros.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Why do the human characters quickly welcome Chacha and not mistreat her for being a Censor Bug? The Censor Bug's MO is draining H-energy and a little property damage, any harm to humans being strictly collateral. Despite it being their jobs to fight Censor Bugs, it can be constructed as them being indifferent to the exterminators.

Fridge Horror

  • In the first chapter, a Censor Bug steals the H-energy of a concerting idol and her audience and they go from cheery to having dark circles under eyes and deciding to get a job. The fact that stealing H-energy can have such an affect on a person's mindset but there is no evidence that destroying the Censor Bug in question returns that energy to their victims means that they are that way permanently.
