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Fridge / Remina

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Remina seems to plow through most planets, devouring them at a rapid pace. It made a beeline for Earth upon spotting it, and actually takes time to savor our planet before eating it. It's very possible that planets capable of sustaining life, with all the lovely water, vegetation, and... well, meat, taste much better than others.
  • The story of Remina's torturous pursuit seems to be an analogy for celebrity fame. At first, she resists the attentions of the public, but soon she has fans doting for her and crowds obsessing. Her corporate sponsors Scrabble to impress her, until finally, events beyond her control make the attentions turn negative. The crowds become mobs, the fans become psychopaths and fickle allies, and her clothing becomes less and less, symbolizing impurity. It is only when she settles down to a mundane life of anonymity that the Hellstar spits her out. The eye of the world no longer gaining scopophilia.

Fridge Horror

  • The implication of the matching timelines between when the light revealing Planet Remina reached us from across space versus when it actually halted in place (IE, started heading straight for us at FTL), implies it is somehow able to detect the Observer Effect. Any living entity which observes it makes Planet Remina aware it has been observed and from exactly where, through three dimensional space and time.
  • Think about the sheer scale of Planet Remina compared to the Earth. Now think of the size of Remina compared to a human. Now think about your own size compared to that of a single-celled organism (bacteria). Now think about all those organisms on the food you eat every day. Do you have any understanding of what goes on with your food, on a cellular level? Every bite you take destroys billions of tiny single-celled lives, but you don't give it even a cursory thought... Just like with Planet Remina. As far as the monster was concerned, Earth was just especially tasty food. It may not have even realized that the humans were even there.
    • Though from the fate of the astronauts, it seems that it's aware of the people on the "food" its eating.
    • Micro Organisms aren't sapient, they don't even have much of a mind to be sad or suffer with, being almost completely driven by instinct. From the planet's level of consciousness and existence however, our level of sapience might seem to it as we see bacteria.
  • Many other planets inhabited by possible future alien civilizations will suffer the same fate as Earth, assuming they don't have advanced enough technology to save themselves.
  • As if it wasn't terrifying enough, the man whose helmet was taken off almost appeared to have been absorbed into the planet's surface, transforming into another blob of eyes and tongues. What if he's still sentient?
    • Which also begs the question, are all the other eyes and mouths and tentacles on the planet made from absorbed people or aliens? And after Earth is eaten, did everyone else living there become huge masses of tongues and eyes?
    • A Fate Worse Than Death
    • It might even be considered Karmic Death, due to how most of humanity treated Remina upon the Hellstar's presence.
    • Assuming that the people Remina absorbs do retain awareness in some way it might seem fortunate that the vast majority of the population died on Earth first. Then you remember that it ate the planet and thus has absorbed all of the bodies on it... it's actually entirely possible that the entire world population (other than the people in the room now floating through the void, itself not a great fate) is now fused into an eldritch abomination and unable to do anything but go insane for however long that thing continues to exist.
    • For what it's worth, it's dubious that the destruction of Earth could leave physical bodies behind... In the time spent between Remina biting into the Earth and Remina, well, swallowing its "meal", hopefully the dead bodies will have been entirely destroyed, thus preventing them from being assimilated.
  • The creature itself. Think about these two factors for a minute; the title is called "HELLstar Remina" and it came from another dimension...the title may very well imply it came from hell...
  • How are the survivors going to fare when Remina eats the sun?
    • If it can eat a sun.
    • Considering it apparently ate a number of other stars before reaching Earth's own solar system, yes, it can.
