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Fridge / Nancy Drewe E 16

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Rewatch Bonus: The Flashback Twist of Lucy being pregnant after John Sander the Coroner whose Nancy's friends with. Secretly exams her bones then announcing that to Ace and Nancy.

Fridge Horror

  • If Lucy hadn't gone into premature labor right just she was about to jump. She would killed an unborn Nancy according to Truth in Television Not only was Lucy pregnant for the first and only time in her life. She would had spontaneously expel the fetus during decomposition rather than Coffin Birth (where the baby comes out of their dead mother , just hours after they died) which leads to the simple conclusion that Nancy wouldn't been born at all. Since the Birth-Death Juxtaposition is the catalyst for this series adaption. That means without Nancy being born no one eles would got justice for Lucy almost 2 decades later since she was practically the town pariah by the time of her death and she wouldn't haunted an radomn non blood relative detective to get peace for her as she waited in silent agony in her afterlife.
  • Not only was she driven to suicide, but Everett Hudson had just threatened her and the unborn baby shortly before Lucy ended up dead. Months prior to this Lucy caught Sebastian Marvin having an affair with Ryan's mother. Now the memory of Sebastian conveniently ending up dead is fresh in her mind because after all she discovered the affair only adds Nightmare Fuel to her situation.
