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Fridge / Murder on the Orient Express (1974)

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Every time Poirot finishes questioning a suspect, Bianchi (I think) says "It was (her/him)! (He/she) did it!" He's right, of course, every time.
  • Poirot promises Greta an "emolument", and she says "God will reward you." He later claims that's how he knew her command of English was better than she let on. Not so fast, H.P. In her line of work, Greta might very well understand "emolument" as a donation or payment.
  • Gee, ya think?:
    Col. Arbuthnot. I was yarning with young... What's his name? McQueen, in his compartment. He was interested in the future of India, a bit impractical. He thought the British ought to move out.
  • In the flashback that shows what really happened the night the murder was committed, Ratchett receives the note with Daisy Armstrong's name as he succumbs to the drug. As the note blurs before his drugged eyes, we hear the sound of the train whistle...which is slightly distorted to sound like a child's terrified scream. Perhaps Ratchett/Cassetti was remembering the moment of Daisy's murder at the moment he saw her name written on the scrap of paper.
