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Fridge / Ms. 45

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Fridge Logic

  • Thana doesn't go to the police or her neighbors after the rapes, presumably because she can't talk. But later we see that she's willing to write notes (to her landlord after abandoning his dog, and later to her employer to accept his invitation to a party). So she couldn't go to her neighbor and write notes asking for help?
    • Ordinarily, yes, but given she was already severely traumatized by the first sexual assault and pushed over the deep end by the second, she probably wasn't thinking straight. While that would help her with any mundane problem she likely feels uncomfortable admitting what happened to her.
    • She may also have been afraid they either wouldn't believe that she'd been raped, or that they'd feel her killing the guy went over the line from self-defense (as Thana hits him when he's on the ground senseless already). Though in some states people are pretty immunized from prosecution for killing any intruder, the laws vary and she very well might have been afraid of the consequences.
