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Fridge / Ikaruga

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Horror

  • The ending has the heroes destroy the Stone-Like. If you bring Radiant Silvergun into context, it means the time loop the Stone-Like created has been broken and humanity is now left to flourish. But considering that the Stone-Like had a "if humans can't learn from their mistakes, it'll destroy the Earth and I need to prevent that even if it's by force" mentality, doesn't this mean humanity is left to be able to destroy themselves if it hasn't learned from its mistakes?
    • Judging by how the Stone-Like did not destroy Earth in Ikaruga like it did in Radiant Silvergun, one can surmise that it deemed the Hourai to be the "proper course" for humanity, as bullshit as that is to believe. And in defeating it, yes. Humanity can flourish.
