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Fridge / High Guardian Spice

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Rosemary and Sage taking the long way to Lyngarth instead of flying on Sage's broomstick does have some sense to it. Because they've already bought tickets to ride specifically on the bus, train, carriage, and so on. Not to mention, the last train they get off of has Sage's cousin Anise and Aloe waiting for them, so the trip had already been planned. Had they decided to get there via Flying Broomstick, chances are they might've gotten lost since the girls are not gonna know where they're going, having never visited Lyngarth before.

Fridge Horror

  • Sage points out that the healing water in the cave propels time forward, which explains the dragon's rapid aging after they dropped its egg in it. Although because they used the same water earlier to heal Rosemary's wound by letting her drink some of it, technically this only sped up the process of scarring over her injury as well as aging her up a tad. Darker implications ensue when you think about what would happen if the healing water is used on a terminally ill person (i.e. someone with cancer).
