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Fridge / Gundam: Reconguista in G

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Fridge Brilliance

  • With the reveal of Colonel Cumpa's past by La Guu and his Social Darwinist beliefs, it casts a new light on his line early in the series regarding that Earthnoids should go extinct. Combined with his reaction to the Ameria's attempting to negotiate, it becomes clear that his problem isn't with Earthnoids and it is really that he believes that people are worthless unless they're always willing to fight, and hates inaction. So in reality he just really hated the concept of weekends.

Fridge Horror

  • What we are currently seeing in the setting of G-Reco is that humanity chose to cloak the usage of technology through religious enforcement of authority. It seems the SU-Cordists are treated like divine entities, as per Director Wilmit Zenam's (Bellri's adoptive mother) invocation of them while operating technology. This is supposedly being done to ensure humanity's survival (which sounds very much like Isaac Asimov's Foundation series) through totalitarian social control of their chosen spheres of influence. Basically, most of the countries adhere to the set agreement of a) we will not advance technological innovation and b) we will manage our domestic affairs ourselves. But what happens when that standstill is broken by everyone (which is now happening)? We see that Space will intervene - a Space sphere of human settlements that, while divided by factions, is still able to sustain themselves in contrast to Earth's warring countries. Towasanga's SU-Cordists (with its combo Cosmo Babylonia-type mobile suits, Zanscare-type uniforms and Asimov's Foundation type melding of tech-as-religion) controls the economy and development of Earth. And they specifically look down on Earthnoid history/politics as justification for keeping them in a tight leash for energy development. In summary, the world of G-Reco—a world where Earthnoids continue to fail in fixing the mistakes of the past and where Spacenoids arguably are in a better position—is pretty much Full Frontal's vision of how Neo-Zeon ideology may survive. He won, despite losing to Banagher and the Unicorn centuries prior.

Fridge Logic

  • Fans were quick to point out that the idea of Kuntala makes very little practical sense. Eating people out of desperation is one thing, but specifically farming people as livestock would be incredibly inefficient, as the resources needed to raise a human being are much greater than normal meat animals. To raise humans for food you have to feed them human food (unlike meat animals, which can eat things like grass that's of no food value to humans) and if you have enough human food for that then it makes more sense just to eat it. The brutality of post-UC's After the End could have been better illustrated with something like brutal population control instead.
    • Still, it can be explained with cloning technology that was part of the universe since the times of UC.
      • DAT JUST RAISES MORE QUESTIONS!!! Seriously, since cloning technology and genetic manipulation were available in the UC (remember the Artificial Newtypes, after all), then the whole "farming people to feed people" makes absolutely no damn sense whatsoever. Between hydroponics, cloning, and genetic manipulation, there should have been no reason at all why humanity would ever need to resort to such an act, unless somehow the entire human race were thrown back to the stone-age literally overnight and somehow no-one could come up with Medieval, Renaissance, or even Industrial-era technologies to survive.
      • Wait a minute. Thrown back to the stone age overnight isn't just an event confirmed in Gundam, it's an event that's happened repeatedly. Hell, the G-Lucifer has the same system. Meaning not only did this happen, but someone KNOWS.
    • What if the idea not making sense was the point? What if the Kuntala weren't meant to be a long-term solution, just A Modest Proposal to solve a short-term food issue while also getting rid of some "undesirables?"
